The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Polls Show Trump Support Collapse as Campaign Heads to Final Debate

  A month ago, support for Donald Trump was within a one-point margin of Hillary Clinton in the Real Clear Politics average of national polls, but since early October, the advantage in the presidential campaign has clearly shifted toward the Democrat. Trump’s support peaked at 45% in the RCP average on Oct. 2, and has […]

Outrage After Emails Show Top Clinton Campaign Aides Insulting Catholics

Abortion, Sodomy and Socialism are the three key components of the Democrat Party platform in the 21st century, and if you don’t like it, Team Clinton believes it’s because there’s something wrong with you: Catholic groups are upset at the Clinton campaign after hacked emails from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta that were released by […]

‘The Fire Under All of This Smoke is … Barely Enough to Light a Cigar’

So says Jazz Shaw of Hot Air in addressing the “October surprise” of the New York Times report on Donald Trump’s taxes. What the Times seems to have done is to extrapolate from the documents it mysteriously obtained to guess about what might be found in documents it does not have. They assert that, because […]

Feed Her Majesty To Her Master, Cthulhu? Sure. Prosecute Her? Not Wise.

by Smitty [View the story “Prosecute Hillary?” on Storify]

Miss Universe’s Reality TV Sex Scandal

Hillary Clinton’s reference to Alicia Machado in Monday’s debate (“No, Miss Universe Can’t Be 170 Pounds”) drew attention to the Venezuelan beauty queen’s sordid past, e.g., the time she wrecked her engagement to a baseball star by having sex with another man on a reality TV show: In a now infamous 2005 episode of ‘La […]

No, Miss Universe Can’t Be 170 Pounds

  It should not be necessary to explain why a beauty queen is obliged to maintain her physique at or near her pageant-winning form during her yearlong tenure as the reigning Miss Whatever. She wins a local beauty contest, which qualifies her to compete at higher levels, on up to a national title and, perhaps, […]

No, Donald Trump Won the Debate

  Liberals are calling Monday night’s debate a win for Hillary Clinton, as might be expected, and even producing snap polls claiming to support this claim as a fact, as might also be expected, I guess. However, the reality is that Donald Trump did not lose the debate, and thereby won. What was Trump’s basic […]

Yes, #BlackLivesMatter Is About Hate

“With Election Day only weeks away, it is possible the chaos in the Tarheel State is part of a left-wing get-out-the-vote effort to foment unrest in the state’s black communities. . . . “Riots, of course, are the stock in trade of radical speculator George Soros, the preeminent funder of the Left who has given […]

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