The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Poisonous Fruit of ‘Social Justice’

  Everyone is commenting on this New York Times column in which a black professor offers an argument that could be reduced to a syllogism: Premise A: Donald Trump got elected. Premise B: Donald Trump is racist; ergo, Conclusion: Black children can’t be friends with white children. Really, this is the essence of his argument, […]

Hiroshima for the DNC: @DonnaBrazile Devastates Democrat Corruption

  Democrats don’t just deceive, cheat and swindle the voters and taxpayers, they also deceive, cheat and swindle each other: My predecessor [as chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee], Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, had not been the most active chair in fundraising at a time when President Barack Obama’s neglect had left the party […]

Democrats: Proud to Be the Anti-White, Anti-Male, Anti-Heterosexual Party

  “Diversity” is Democrat Party code for deliberate discrimination: Employees within the Democratic National Committee are looking for new employees in the Technology Department. However, the DNC is apparently not interested in your resume if you happen to be a white male. In an email issued to DNC insiders on Monday, Data Services manager Madeleine […]

Harvey Weinstein Is the ‘Patriarchy,’ and Other Feminist Non Sequiturs

“Patriarchy is a system of structures and institutions created by men in order to sustain and recreate male power and female subordination.” — Sneja Gunew, Feminist Knowledge: Critique and Construct, 1990 Lauren Duca is not very good at logical inferences, and her belief that the exposure of Harvey Weinstein provides a road map to “take […]

The Harvey Weinstein Democrat Bonfire

  Just five months ago, Harvey Weinstein was hanging out with Hillary Clinton at Planned Parenthood’s 100th anniversary gala: At the celebration, Planned Parenthood awarded former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton the Champion of the Century Award. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Weinstein gave Clinton a standing ovation at the event where she insisted on […]

Harvey Weinstein, Ashley Judd and the Democrat Party’s Doubtful Future

Harvey Weinstein in 1997 (left); Ashley Judd in Kiss the Girls (right. In 1997, 29-year-old Ashley Judd was one of Hollywood’s hottest young actresses, and 45-year-old Harvey Weinstein was one of the most powerful movie producers in the world. His company, Miramax Films, had been bought by Disney for $60 million in 1993, and the […]

Harvey Weinstein Is a Democrat and a Pervert, But I Repeat Myself

  How much money has film producer Harvey Weinstein donated to Democrats over the past 25 years? Thousands upon thousands, and you can add it up yourself. But now Democrats are being urged to shun Weinstein’s money because, well, he keeps acting like a Democrat: An investigation by The New York Times found previously undisclosed […]

Feminism 2017: @Rose_Resistance — Communist Lesbians Against America

    Erika Heidewald is a German-born lesbian feminist and Democrat Party activist who hates capitalism, Christianity and white males, not necessarily in that order. Before last year’s election, Ms. Heidewald was busy with her immigrant girlfriend Frida on YouTube promoting homosexuality and also, of course, campaigning for Hillary Clinton.       Like other […]

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