But It’s Not About Hate
“If you want to see the consequences of deinstitutionalizing the mentally ill,” I explained a couple weeks ago, “go to Tumblr.com and search for ‘feminism.’” Exactly why Tumblr is such a fetid swamp of virulent ideological insanity, I’m not sure, but in November 2014, Elliot (a “third generation asian american (japanese). polyamorous and panromantic” college […]
Marcusean Intolerance
Students of radicalism know that “political correctness” is not a joke, but is a totalitarian tactic of Cultural Marxism, which originated with the theoretician Georg Lukacs, but is especially associated with intellectuals of the Frankfurt School including Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, Erich Fromm, and Herbert Marcuse. Marcuse has sometimes been called the “Father of the […]
The Errors of ‘Democracy’
We are heirs of a tradition. Each of us is born into circumstances that were created by our parents, by our grandparents, by our ancestors, and by the civilization in which they lived. Human life existed before we were born and will continue after our deaths. As children we inherit the past. As parents we […]
Professional Perverts
What kind of people want to talk dirty to children? Perverts, and also government sex educators. But I repeat myself: The former Ontario deputy education minister who oversaw the development of a controversial sex-ed program before facing child sex charges will plead guilty to a number of those charges. Benjamin Levin, born 1952, was arrested […]
Dear Time: Per The Bible, Churches Still Admit Sinners; Yet They Still Reject Sin
by Smitty I guess the relentless, nihilistic spiritual decay of Progress can’t help but project itself upon churches: . . .the changing allegiances and divides in evangelical churches and communities over homosexuality. In public, so many churches and pastors are afraid to talk about the generational and societal shifts happening. But behind the scenes, it’s […]
The World Is Safe From Me Cramming Wool Up My Backside & Using It To Knit
by Smitty In stark raving sane contrast to some woman in Australia, I just want everyone to know that the general relaxation I find in doing knitting and crochet (at least I used to, before fatherhood) will not be enhanced through caching the material in a (presumably cleaned and suitably prepared) body cavity. . . […]
Tips For Americans: Take Care Taking Tea To A Brit
by Smitty This is a quick bit of fun, and an excuse to try out Storify: [View the story “Tips For Americans: Take Care Taking Tea To A Brit” on Storify]
The Left Is Unaware Of Its Tribalism?
by Smitty Gallagher at The American Interest: Indeed, one of the chief causes behind the “Peak Left” moment that Walter Russell Mead addressed recently is leftist intellectuals’ inability to recognize that they, too, are a tribe. Somewhere around the ObamaCare cramdown, I started toying with the theory that the Left (at least its Godless Commie […]
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