The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Look for the ‘Hate’ Label (or, Why Everybody’s a ‘Far-Right’ Extremist Now)

  Who is Kevin Panetta? He is the writer behind a comic book called Zodiac Starforce, which looks a lot like a ripoff of Sailor Moon, but that’s irrelevant to his role as a volunteer with the Thought Police. Panetta got more than 45,000 retweets and more than 80,000 likes for his assertion that disagreeing […]

What Does ‘Homophobia’ Mean?

  The question raised by the #FireColbert controversy goes to the very heart of our 21st-century Culture War over “sexuality”: If I wanted to insult Stephen Colbert, I might have called him a lot of things, but “cock holster” probably wouldn’t have come to mind. By the standards of Stephen Colbert, however, there are no […]

MURRAY-MANIA! Why Are College Kids Going Wild for the Latest Sensation?

      Not since The Beatles played Shea Stadium, perhaps, have mindless mobs of hysterical youth made news by going wild the way Middlebury College kids did last week. It’s not a pounding backbeat or lovable moptops singing four-part harmony that’s driving them crazy these days, however. No, it’s a 74-year-old policy analyst named Charles […]

She/‘He’ Wins State Wrestling Title

Everybody is commenting on Mack Beggs, the 17-year-old female-to-male transsexual who won the Texas state girls’ wrestling championship. Beggs has been on testosterone for over a year, which would be illegal for any female wrestler under the normal rules, but the rules also forbade Beggs from competing as a boy. Beggs never lost a match […]

It’s As Though The Left Is Neither Creative Nor Pro-Creative

by Smitty Like an immune system gone mad, the Left can only attack the culture that begat it: We wrote back in October about how people were mad that Hinton did not add explicitly LGBT characters to her writing, most of which she did in the 1960s and 70s. She now argues that pandering to […]

No, SJWs, There Wasn’t A “Social Activist” Bone In Jesus’ Body

by Smitty I was triggered today by a bumper sticker: I guess if you want to freebase your own Gospel & fail the Matthew 4:9 test, you might believe this drivel: — IGotOverMachoGrande (@smitty_one_each) November 12, 2016 The Obama and Hillary stickers you’d expect were around this little bit of noise. If you have […]

Feminism and the Cult of the True Self

“The stigma around STDs normally makes people think of cheaters, liars, teenagers who don’t know any better, and other various ‘dirty’ things when they think of sexually transmitted diseases. But there’s a new name circulating in the news lately who’s trying to battle this stigma: Ella Dawson.” — Torii Johnson, April 30, 2015 Once upon […]

Teen Mom’s Ex: ‘Sometimes I Don’t Even Know If I Know Who She Is Anymore’

  Kailyn Lowry is despicable trash, and I know every reader must be wondering: “Who the heck is Kailyn Lowry and why should I even care?” In 2011, she became one of the stars of the MTV series Teen Mom 2. Trashy reality shows are the MTV “brand” since the network stopped playing music videos […]

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