Women: Is It Possible You’re Entirely Too Self-Conscious and Judgmental?
Julie Eckert has written an article for Verily magazine called “The Care and Keeping of Online Personas” which is interesting in what it unwittingly conveys about the female worldview, namely their innate concern about courtesy, relationships and “popularity.” This girlish concern for social status is something I’ve noticed since I was in elementary school. Among […]
Rocky Horror Elementary School
“Equal rights” sounds so wonderful. Who can be against equality? Yet as Richard Weaver warned us long ago, Ideas Have Consequences, and the sledgehammer logic of “equal rights” brutally dismantles every common-sense objection. Even the most obvious facts — e.g., boys and girls are different — must therefore be suppressed to conform with The Equality […]
Hannan Answers The Godless Commies
by Smitty Like all nations, we have sometimes behaved shabbily. But I stand by my claim: no other civilisation has been so secure a repository for human freedom. All of these guilt-mongers can go get stuffed. We can be intellectually honest about our shortcomings without veering into the destructive self-hatred that so many Lefties just […]
Why Everybody Hates Atheists
@rsmccain Science! pic.twitter.com/ZBYaLZ5rQ5 — Lee Ritz, M.D. (@lee_ritz) December 4, 2013 It’s not just because atheists kill babies, because not all atheists do. But let’s admit that, in a universe of accidental randomness, there is nothing particularly special about a little clump of cells. Or a bigger clump of cells, for that matter. So if […]
But If They’re ‘Born That Way’ …
. . . why are there more lesbians than ever? More women than ever are having same-sex experiences — or at least more women than ever are reporting it. This week, a long-term British survey found a fourfold increase over the past two decades in women reporting at least one sapphic fling. Self-reported same-sex behavior among men, […]
Helping Dr. Helen Sort All This Out
by Smitty Let’s lay down a few Lefty assertions that, while not absolutely true, may have some explanatory power: The federal government, staffed with ‘officials’ and ‘experts’, is your parent. You are a sheep, lacking free will, and are a sort of hormonal robot. You are a guilt-free slut-o-matic, or dildo with feet, and should […]
Destructive Totalitarian ‘Equality’
The various “-isms” of left-wing ideology are really just variations of a destructive anti-social nihilism, whose purpose was forever defined more than 150 years ago when, in their Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels declared: “The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.” Once you understand this profound hostility to social […]
Conor Friedersdorf’s Grassy Knoll
Conor Friedersdorf is the Lee Harvey Oswald of journalism — an alienated young man consumed by irrational hatred of his own country. Fortunately, the Secret Service need not worry about Friedersdorf purchasing a Mannlicher-Carcano rifle just now. The focus of his manic obsession is not the current president, but his predecessor. Bush Derangement Syndrome — […]
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