As Though CNN Knows Christianity
by Smitty Missed this last April: Survey: Young Christians want marijuana legalized: Thirty-two percent of Christian’s aged 18-29 said they “strongly favor” legalization, while 18% said they “favor” the move, according to a Public Religion Research Institute survey released Thursday. Among Christian’s 65 and older, only 9% said they strongly favor legalization and 47% say […]
Radical Despair
My young Nietzschean friend Richard Spencer was at Duke University during the lacrosse debacle, and it is therefore easy to understand why he long ago abandoned hope in Politics As We Know It. Spencer founded the Alternative Right in 2010, and there are a few other familiar names — Vox Day, Steve Sailer, John Derbyshire […]
Thank You, Lena Dunham
by Smitty Via Drudge comes this outburst of brilliance, emphasis mine, in response to the question “I don’t get the purpose of all the nudity on the show. . .”: In the moment, Dunham herself spoke clearly about her position on the nudity [in Girls], saying it is “a realistic expression of what it’s like […]
Elegant Reporting in Appalachia
Kevin D. Williamson of National Review traveled to Appalachia — his dateline is Owsley County, Ky. — to write about the kind of poverty no liberal ever describes as “social injustice”: If the people here weren’t 98.5 percent white, we’d call it a reservation. Williamson’s article is not merely good reporting, but it is also […]
Success Is Its Own Defense
If something works, it works. To intellectuals, however, theory takes precedence over practice and ideological abstractions like “equality” are more important than actual success and happiness. So in the wake of their failure to destroy “Duck Dynasty” because of patriarch Phil Robertson’s alleged homophobia, now the Left has its collective panties in a bunch because, in […]
Keep The Resistance Alive
by Smitty Instapundit points to Fox’s article: “Popularity of ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ plates in Virginia suggests Tea Party still strong“: “It is a symbol of frustration … a symbol of disgust with the government,” David Dwyer, a former Hampton Roads Tea Party chairman, told the newspaper. The sales figures for the “Don’t Tread on […]
Are You Ready for BBW Barbie?
They should call her “Belinda,” because all girls named “Belinda” are fat. There — that’s the only joke I have for this story: A controversy is brewing over a request to remake Barbie in way contrary to the iconic image so many girls knew growing up. is suggesting Mattel create a plus-size Barbie. While […]
Phil Robertson 1, Political Correctness 0
Bible-Thumping Gun-Toting Louisiana Rednecks Score Huge Victory in Culture War! #tcot #p2 #lgbt @BatshitCrazyNwz — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) December 27, 2013 Oh, the GLAAD Butt-Hurt! The most popular family in America could not be defeated by the Sensitivity Outrage Brigades: Phil Robertson, the patriarch of A&E’s Duck Dynasty clan who was suspended from […]
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