Now That Is A Subtle Lie
by Smitty Isn’t this rich? An article on the “Focus on the Family” website written by evangelical author Chip Ingram says, “The Bible’s word on discipline clearly demands that parents be responsible and diligent in spanking.” I grew up in the evangelical South in a pro-spanking family. When my fellow Christians talked about protecting parents’ […]
Is Scotland A Symptom?
by Smitty Pravda on the Hudson notes: From Catalonia to Kurdistan to Quebec, nationalist and separatist movements in Europe and beyond are watching the Scottish independence referendum closely — sometimes more so than Britons themselves, who seem to have only just woken up to the possibility that Scotland might vote next Thursday to bring to […]
GamerGate And Why It Matters To Conservatives
— compiled by Wombat-socho “Politics is downstream from culture.” -Andrew Breitbart I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that with regard to entertainment, conservatives and libertarians find science fiction and videogaming to be the most attractive options offered by pop culture these days, mainly because there’s a lot of SF that doesn’t try and […]
In The Photo Finish, Huxley Beats Orwell By A Joint
by Smitty People have been looking a Fort Meade and trembling in Orwellian fear, but it looks like civilization may be more likely to end up drowned in a bong than sent to Room 101: Welfare recipients can’t use their EBT cards at liquor stores but they can at marijuana dispensaries in states such as […]
Well, Sink My Car & Call Me ‘Ted’
by Smitty Emphasis and vomiting mine: The Naval Academy was ranked 13th in the list of best national liberal arts colleges, above its rival, the U.S. Military Academy, which was 24th. St. John’s College in Annapolis was ranked 56th. I mean, yeah, you can major in English at Sing Sing on the Severn, but you […]
Labor Day Miscellaneous Linkagery & Open Thread
— by Wombat-socho Nature abhors a vacuum, and blogs without posts cause readers to get bored and drift away, so here’s a few things you may find of interest: Pic somewhat relevant: I’ll Bet That Vladimir Putin Is Scared Now! over at First Street Journal. The International Lord of Hate fisked one of the Grauniad’s […]
The Rotherham Horror
Imagine if more than a thousand girls, some as young as 11, were sexually exploited by members of a fundamentalist religious cult. Now imagine that authorities refused to act to stop this heinous abuse of young girls because of their fear of offending public opinion. Except you don’t have to imagine this. It actually happened. And the […]
Shoot It. Shoot It In The Head.
— by Wombat-socho I’ve been kind of slack about hitting the library lately, having been busy with Ingress; what I’ve been re-reading as a bedtime book is the David Drake & S.M. Stirling collections Warlord and Conqueror, which between them contain the first five Raj Whitehall novels. For those unfamiliar with the series, Whitehall is […]
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