The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Paranoid Theory: ‘Karl Rove Was Out Raising Money to Keep Santorum Alive’

James Yanke at Reaganite Republican links to an article at Business Insider in which Grace Wyler gives credence to a paranoid theory offered by evangelical leader David Lane: Karl stepped on Rick Perry and then Newt Gingrich every chance he got — albeit with deceit and sophistication — and elevated Mitt Romney at strategic, crucial […]

Benghazi Tinfoil Fez

by Smitty This is via Director Blue, who points to a Free Republic article that I will edit a bit for clarity: The murder of Ambassador Stevens at Benghazi is Obama’s October Surprise gone bad, thanks to two former SEALS who were not supposed to be at Benghazi. But then I ran to the end […]

What Hath Daily Caller Wrought?

Slept late today because I figure I’ll be up late writing about tonight’s debate, and I didn’t participate in the Drudge-induced hype over yesterday’s Daily Caller/Sean Hannity release of a 2007 video, e.g., Allahpundit: It’s the talk of Twitter and of our comment threads, so here’s a dedicated post to let your imaginations run wild. […]

Harry Reid’s Financial McCarthyism: ‘I Don’t Think the Burden Should Be on Me’

The top Senate Democrat evidently believes he can make outrageous accusations based on anonymous secondhand “sources” and then require the accused to disprove his accusations: Earlier this week, Harry Reid revealed why Mitt Romney is refusing to release more tax returns: He didn’t pay taxes for an entire decade! It almost sounds too crazy to […]

How to Become Irrelevant

The key to becoming irrelevant is to develop an irrational obsession — an idée fixe — and ride that hobby horse without regard for changes in circumstances or public interest. Become tedious by ranting against obscure scapegoats and obsolete controversies that have no signficance except to you and whatever tiny clique of like-minded kooks share your fanatical fixation. […]

Conspiracy Theorist ‘Qritiq’ Conspires Against Neal Rauhauser’s Targets

Neal Rauhauser at the ‘Netroots Nation’ Conference FROM AN UNDISCLOSED LOCATION How stupid does “Qritiq” think we are, huh? The day after Aaron Walker is SWATted, why would Qritiq (who, several people claim, is actually a New York City schoolteacher named Lane Lipton) decide to publish contact information clearly aimed at getting complaints lodged against […]

OMG! ‘Peace Studies’ Dude Blames Jews, Recommends Reading ‘Protocols’?

Our secret Zionist masters have been kinda late with the payments lately, but my role in the conspiracy still requires me to denounce this: Johan Galtung, Norwegian sociologist nicknamed the “father of peace studies,” made anti-Semitic and anti-Israeli remarks while lecturing at the University of Oslo, in an article published afterward in the Norwegian press […]

Classics of the Golden Age of Fringe, Or: Ron Paul Digs the Beatles’ White Album

IYKWIMAITYD: Question: What do Ron Paul and Charles Manson have in common? Answer: Both warned their followers of an impending “race war.” Maybe Lisa Graas isn’t the first blogger to make that comparison, and if some other blogger wants to accuse Lisa of “stealing” their material . . . Well, lots of that going around […]

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