The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

‘She Keeps Score’

“Don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining,” Colonel Fletcher says in The Outlaw Josey Wales. For the benefit of those readers not fluent in Redneck, permit me to translate: “Don’t screw me over and pretend like you’re not screwing me over.” Washington, D.C., is a town crawling with thousands of selfish, cowardly, […]

Michelle Malkin Rips Up Arne Duncan

The battle against “Common Core” curriculum took a weird turn last week when Education Secretary Arne Duncan blamed opposition to this nonsense on “white suburban moms who — all of a sudden — their child isn’t as brilliant as they thought they were, and their school isn’t quite as good as they thought they were.” […]

Mrs. Malkin Misapprehends: The Underside Of The Bus *IS* Your Healthcare Plan

by Smitty Just got letter from Anthem canceling our family’s health insurance plan. #ifyoulikeyourplanyouCANTkeepit — Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) September 21, 2013 It’s kind of a bummer to see #OccupyResoluteDesk so misinterpreted: See, you’re going to have a plan that you can keep. All of the angst hinges around you learning to LIKE the thing. […]

This Will Not End Well for the Donald

So, the Vulgar King of Obnoxiousness decided to throw down on Twitter with Michelle Malkin, and perhaps this reminder is unnecessary: Trump has a rather long history of hostility toward conservatives like Malkin, a New York Times bestselling author and New Media entrepreneur who created the popular Hot Air political blog as well as the […]

Memo From the Lunatic Fringe: LGF Attacking ‘Anchor Baby Malkin’

Diary of Daedalus shows that a Little Green Footballs commenter got 11 “updings” for this insightful offering: More fake outrage against our First Lady: Anchor Baby Malkin fails miserably at attempting to mock the First Lady’s “Evolution of Mom Dancing.” The Obama Derangement Syndrome is more dangerous than syphilis. Here is the video that inspired the LGF comment: […]

If We Had Wanted an Obama-Hugging Sellout, Charlie Crist Would Be a Senator

Marco Rubio leading the RINO Squish Amnesty Parade? After so many conservatives personally vouched for Marco’s bona fides as The Real Deal? Meet the new Boss, same as the old Boss: Hey, did someone set the clock back six years in Washington? Because today looks a hell of a lot like the dawn of the […]

#Metaphor: Academics Sign Their Own Death Warrants by Defending Loomis

It’s a formula: [Thing you’re angry about] [epithet] [Republican you blame] [obscenity] [heinously violent death wish] #metaphor @jimmiebjr — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) December 19, 2012 For example: “Barbara Walters should be eviscerated by machete-wielding crackheads! #metaphor” — bingo, you’re a tenured Ph.D.@jimmiebjr — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) December 19, 2012 Professor Erik “Head on […]

‘Through a Plate Glass Window’: How Liberal Media De-Legitimize Dissent

Patterico did a post yesterday about the “Accuse the Accusers” strategy that I meant to link and discuss at length, but I didn’t get around to it because new outrages were piling up quicker than I could keep track. In just the past couple of days: Stephen Crowder got sucker-punched in the head by Michigan […]

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