Weiner’s Secret Desire
UPDATED: ‘X-Rated’ Photo Emerges; Weiner’s Wife Is Pregnant; More Democrats Now Calling for Resignation
“To be sure, Weiner stayed true to his 1996 pronouncement when, 14 years later, he wed a member of the cognitive elite, a high-powered career woman. But the details of his online shenanigans suggest that he harbored secret desires for female admiration and deference — that he was a closet male chauvinist.” — James Taranto, […]
Wrong, Wrong, Wrong: Belated Notice of Charles Johnson’s Total Beclownment
During the 10 days of WeinerGate, I tried to focus as hard as I could on following the main thread of the story, which was more than enough for anyone to attempt as the scandal rapidly developed. However, along the way I couldn’t help but notice a few distractions off on the periphery. And I […]
Joan Walsh: ‘I Look Kind of Stupid’
“The lying is what disturbs me. He implicated a lot of us. I gave him the benefit of the doubt, let’s just say that. And, you know, I look kind of stupid. But on the other hand . . .” No, ma’am. There is no “other hand.” You falsely accused Andrew Breitbart of “savaging a […]
Breitbart’s Vindication
Let’s be clear about one thing: Andrew Breitbart was right, right, right and his critics were wrong, wrong, wrong. As BigGovernment.com explains, “Andrew Breitbart was in New York for previously scheduled meetings,” and went to Anthony Weiner’s press conference as an observer. So how did he end up on stage? I touch on that in […]
#WeinerGate: It Gets WORSE
UPDATE: Press Conference 4 p.m. ET UPDATE: ABC News Interviews Woman
LIVE-BLOGGING THE PRESS CONFERENCE * * * * * The congressman gets shirtless in his latest embarrassing photo obtained by Andrew Breitbart. OK, you can start the resignation clock ticking . . . CBS News is now reporting on Andrew Breitbart’s exclusive: “A spokesman for Weiner did not immediately respond to a request to confirm that Weiner had, […]
Brutal. Simply Brutal.
Something I hadn’t previously noticed is how Rachel Maddow employed the word “creep” against Anthony Weiner: (Hat-tip: PoliticalPAW.) Meanwhile, the latest spin on WeinerGate provokes Ace of Spades to lay down an incredibly brutal interrogation on the Prime Suspect — an instant blogospheric classic. And, yeah, I’ve got a new WeinerGate column up at The […]
#WeinerGate: Who Is @PatriotUSA76? @AndrewBreitbart Wants to Know
Much suspicion in the WeinerGate scandal has focused on the Twitter user @PatriotUSA76, who identifies himself as Dan Wolfe, but who is unwilling publicly to confront questions about his role. It was @PatriotUSA76 who, some weeks ago, specifically predicted an online sex scandal involving Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-NY), and then quickly spotted the Friday photo-Tweet […]
@JoanWalsh Blames @AndrewBreitbart and #tcot Bloggers for #WeinerGate Story
Dear Joan Walsh: I arrived late at the #WeinerGate story — it was already on top of Memeorandum by the time I blogged about it at 4:23 p.m. ET Saturday — and my first reaction was to make a joke of it. But then, as I took time to acquaint myself with the facts, a […]
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