The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

VIDEO: A Wake for Andrew Breitbart

My son Jefferson tells me that the melancholy Celtic theme music is called “The Blood of Cuchulainn,” and I hope no further introduction or explanation is necessary for this video from Accuracy in Media:

Righteous Indignation Meets The Grand Master

— by Wombat-socho This post is about two very different people who took the same journey at very different times. One of them grew up in poverty, and one in the middle class. One went to a well-known private school with all expenses paid; other other had to scramble to get an appointment to one […]

Ziegler: Breitbart Thought Matt Drudge Was ‘In the Tank’ for Obama in 2008

In a Wednesday talk-radio appearance, conservative filmmaker John Ziegler said that the late Andrew BreitbartĀ told him that during the 2008 presidential election campaign, Matt Drudge altered content on his famous Drudge Report site in such a way that Breitbart believed Drudge was “in the tank” for Barack Obama. Interviewed by Chris Daniel on California’s KMJ […]

Andrew Breitbart as Folk Hero: ‘I’ll Die With This Hammer in My Hand’

In happier times: Andrew Breitbart autographs his book during an April 2011 event at Americans for Tax Reform When John Henry was about three days old, Sittin’ on his Mammy’s knee, He picked up a hammer and he said, “Lord, Lord, this hammer be the death of me.” Tributes to our fallen warrior are coming […]

Andrew Breitbart Moments: 2010 Tax Day Tea Party Edition

by Smitty Mr. Pinko at iOwnTheWorld brings tears to my eyes with this bit from the 2010 Tax Day Tea Party, which starts with me demanding Big Fur Hat come to CPAC11, and then segues to AB: The irony here is that neither BFH nor I made CPAC11. His reasons are unknown to me, but […]

Andrew Breitbart in CPAC Video:
‘This Is the Charles Johnson Special’

Thanks to I Own the World for this memorable video moment in which Andrew Breitbart poses for a photo with Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer, featuring a surprise cameo appearance: People who get the joke are laughing their asses off. Everybody else is wondering, “Who is Charles Johnson?” UPDATE: Professor Reynolds gets the joke. And […]

Started to Write a Long Post About This

Sometimes you get to the 800-word mark and say to yourself, “Too much.” Instead, I’ll just link to Dan Collins’s post on the background of the falling-out between Andrew Breitbart and Glenn Beck. UPDATE: Likewise, I’ll just link this article from The Hill about the falling-out between Mark Meckler and the Tea Party Patriots. UPDATE […]

Dear Lord . . .

. . . please hear my sincere prayer: However badly I screw up, whoever I may offend, whatever public act of idiocy I may ever commit, please — O, merciful God! — never let me be guilty of such foolishness as to deserve the kind of mockery Ace of SpadesĀ laid down on David Frum. Amen.

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