The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Joan Walsh: The Smoker She Drinks, The Player She Gets

by Smitty Joan Walsh has posted the most risible dismissal of Andrew Breitbart imaginable. Emphasis mine: Andrew Breitbart isn’t fit to spit-shine the shoes of civil rights hero and Congressman John Lewis. It’s ludicrous to think that the right-wing bully believed he had the moral or political standing to call Lewis a liar, after Lewis […]

Breitbart Party Voodoo

“Best photo ever!” Lyndsey Fifield exclaimed after seeing this photo of a conversation at Friday’s New Orleans blogger bash off Chartres Street near the levee: Lyndsey reacts to Breitbart’s remark — a Tulane alumnus, Breitbart was confirming that New Orleans voodoo is a reality — as Dave Weigel of the Washington Post and political operative Zach […]

VIDEO: Live from New Orleans, It’s the Andrew Breitbart Experience!

The dude was on fire today at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference, and the MSM couldn’t get enough: Dave Weigel was asking Breitbart about criticism of the O’Keefe-Giles ACORN sting videos. And then a guy from CBS News asked some more questions: Right now, I’m blogging this upstairs while a Blogger Bash is going on downstairs. […]

Respectfully Disagreeing With Andrew Breitbart Here

by Smitty In an otherwise splendid post on the Left’s deconstruction plans for our country, I submit that he may need to revisit an assertion: The Democrats need to kill the Tea Party movement. They need to marginalize and demonize those who would stand up to their hardball, toxic and anti-democratic tactics. Their strategy is […]

Seeing Through Andrew Breitbart’s Cunning Plan

by Smitty (h/t LMA) Andrew Breitbart will continue to escalate the zeros on the right end of his racial epithet bounty. Past a certain tipping point, the temptation will be too great. Someone will mix in Dynamite Hack, covering Easy-E: (NSFW) However, by that time, the bounty will have crossed the Too Big To Fail […]

The Brilliance of Breitbart

The first time I met Andrew Breitbart — at CPAC 2007 — the recognition of genius was  immediate. Some people are fearful of superior intelligence and others are envious. Admiration is more appropriate, and Breitbart combines raw brain power with a fierce contempt for liberalism and a refusal to be intimidated by power. This is not to say […]

CPAC 2010: Bloggerazzi Photopalooza!

“It’s all a blur,” Andrew Breitbart said to me in a phone conversation Monday, as we discussed events at CPAC 2010 — the biggest ever and, most attendees agreed, the best. The “blur” effect that Breitbart described is much like the experience of campaign coverage — you go, go, go day after day, with maybe […]

CPAC Day 3.1* Andrew Breitbart Is Standing in Front of Me in the Blogger Lounge

Q&A — “despicable human being“? *Update (Smitty) Stacy McCain: Jason Mattera, a Puerto Rican was called racist by the New York Times after his CPAC talk yesterday. Breitbart: Despicable but predictable. The political left is frightened because the right has been awakened. The left’s only tactic is to destroy people personally. They play the race […]

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