The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

The Scandal That Will Rock 2011

The dirty scam that is the Pigford case, via Breitbart TV: Lee Stranahan explains at Big Government. When Breitbart went into all-Pigford-all-the-time mode a few weeks ago, some people didn’t get it. “Is this just vengeance for the Sherrod dust-up?” and so forth. But there’s a serious scandal here. With Republicans taking control of the House of […]

How Illinois Democrat Official Sue Walton Puts Down (Married Father of Four) Andrew Breitbart: ‘I Think He’s Gay’

In general, I avoid the “liberals are hypocrites” line of argument that highlights episodes of Democrats engaging in sexism, racism and homophobia, because (a) plenty of other conservatives employ that argument, and (b) my feeling is that political correctness exaggerates the extent and/or danger of these postmodern “sins” against the Religion of Tolerance. Sexism? American […]

Maher: ‘European Socialism Works’

Ed Driscoll featured this Newsbusters video in which Andrew Breitbart brilliantly nails Bill Maher who, for the past 15 years, has tried to claim he’s some kind of libertarian. As no libertarian could possibly support ObamaCare, however . . . Noel Sheppard of Newsbusters has the transcript: ANDREW BREITBART: So you’re, you’re officially not a Libertarian anymore, right? […]

New Definition of ‘Hate’: Conclusively Proving How Stupid Democrats Are

My friend Andrew Marcus at Founding Bloggers produced this video, which I found via my friend Jim Hoft at Gateway Pundit. To call Glenn Beck a “coward”? Easy. To claim that Tea Party activists are motivated by “hate”? Easy. But to call Andrew Breitbart a “faggot” while doing these things is to invite yourself to one […]

VIDEO: 9/12 DC Andrew Breitbart

by Smitty Andrew was his loveably caffeinated self at 9/12, and this blog takes pride in its shameless appreciation of his efforts. For some reason, clip 7 and the mention of Katie Couric is the must-see, though enjoy the whole thing. He stars with a media shout out and laughably near-sighted attendance count: Constitutional Übergeeks […]

Fear and Loathing in Hollywood

HOLLYWOOD, Calif. — I’m at a sound stage near Santa Monica Boulevard where Ladd Ehlinger Jr. is directing his latest series of political ads. There is something of an embargo about the exact nature of the production, and I’m on deadline for The American Spectator, so I can’t give you the full story now. However, […]

California Reporter Nick Green Says He Is ‘Victim of an Andrew Breitbart Wannabe’

“So imagine my surprise today to find I’m the victim of an Andrew Beitbart wannabe, a blogger with a clear agenda of his own who has decided in his hypocrisy I have one of my own.” — Nick Green, Torrance (Calif.) Daily Breeze He’s the victim, you see. Nick Green was just minding his own […]

Shirley Sherrod’s Lawsuit Threat Against Andrew Breitbart Is Still Just a Threat

It’s the easiest thing in the world to say, “I’ll sue you for defamation!” Actually filing such a lawsuit is another and far more drastic step. A government official successfully pursuing a defamation suit against a private citizen is quite nearly impossible. Any responsible lawyer would provide three words of helpful advice to Shirley Sherrod: “Discovery’s a bitch.”

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