VIDEO: Andrew Breitbart vs. Bill Maher
Via Breitbart TV and Memeorandum.
Big Breitbart: Scenes From Thursday’s Righteous Indignation Reception in DC
A huge crowd turned out Thursday at the DC offices of Americans for Tax Reform, where the Daily Caller co-hosted a book-signing party for Andrew Breitbart’s Righteous Indignation. When I saw Andrew signing books in front of the giant picture of himself, I said, “Big Breitbart Is Watching You!” Strangely enough, neither Travis Korson nor […]
Hanging With Breitbart
We must all hang together or surely we shall all hang separately, so this evening I’ll be hanging out at a reception in Washington, DC, to celebrate the publication of Andrew Breitbart’s new book Righteous Indignation. Let’s hope Martin Bashir doesn’t show up to pester the guest of honor. Breitbart points out the obvious: “You’re […]
Colmes Interviews Breitbart
by Smitty I discovered that Andrew Breitbart is one part Abbie Hoffman, one part performance artist, one part indignant former liberal and, well, see for yourself. The comments are mildly amusing. More Breitbart goodness at American Power.
New Motherf–ing Tone 2.0
Because liberals hold a patent on Civility™ they are the sole arbiters of who is or is not in violation: Andrew Brietbart’s ad hominem attack on Van Jones in The Daily Caller — right down to calling him a “commie punk” and “a cop killer-supporting, racist, demagogic freak” — violates the tenets of debate and […]
Wisconsin Updates
Tea Party activists staged a “Stand With Scott Walker” rally today at the Capitol in Madison. Our man Troglopundit was on the scene and Tweeted that the union goons outnumbered the pro-Walker crowd. But he also Tweets this: Speaker: Know when we got the idea for this rally? Thursday. Thousands of you here! Given the short […]
Like a Broken Clock Twice a Day …
. . . occasionally Joe Klein is right: Revolutions everywhere–in the middle east, in the middle west. But there is a difference: in the middle east, the protesters are marching for democracy; in the middle west, they’re protesting against it. I mean, Isn’t it, well, a bit ironic that the protesters in Madison, blocking the […]
CPAC Day 2: About Last Night
Thursday night, commitments brought me to three different events: The “Blogger Bash” at FreedomWorks, Andrew Breitbart’s “Big Party” with Sophie B. Hawkins (above) at Eighteenth Street Lounge, and the “Kruiser Cabana” in Stephen Kruiser‘s hotel suite. Packed into the Eighteen Street Lounge, conservatives listen to a presentation by Andrew Breitbart, who helped sponsor the event […]
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