The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Twitter Bans Bruce Carroll (@GayPatriot) for Unspecified ‘Hateful Conduct’

Posted on | October 21, 2018 | Comments Off on Twitter Bans Bruce Carroll (@GayPatriot) for Unspecified ‘Hateful Conduct’


Everybody who knows @GayPatriot loves @GayPatriot unless, of course, they are just left-wing douchebags and guess what? Twitter is staffed entirely by left-wing douchebags:

Gay Patriot, a popular conservative Twitter user, has been permanently blacklisted from the social network for undefined “hateful conduct.”
Gay Patriot, whose real name is Bruce Carroll, was informed by Twitter that his account would “not be restored because it was found to be violating Twitter’s Terms of Service, specifically the Twitter Rules against hateful conduct.”
Before his permanent ban, Carroll had over 70,000 followers.
The suspension prompted complaints from dozens of notable conservatives and libertarians, including Michelle Malkin, Dana Loesch, Austin Petersen, and Erick Erickson.
“If his stuff is how [Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey] wants to define ‘hateful,’ that’s fine. We just want equal application of the rules,” declared writer Amelia Hamilton. “But it’s kind of hard to forget things like the big ‘meh’ when [radio host Dana Loesch] literally had her kids threatened.”

Stephen Green explains that Twitter refuses to specify which of Carroll’s messages constituted “hateful conduct.” This was the case when I was suspended in February 2016. According to Twitter, I was guilty of “participating in targeted abuse,” but they refused to say (a) who was targeted, (b) how they were abused, or (c) how I participated. Such vague accusations, made without evidence, may constitute defamation.

Twitter is accumulating bad karma, and when that wheel in the sky turns, they will have to cause to regret such injustices.




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