The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Herbert Kornfeld Was Certainly Smarter Than Krugman, My Basset Hound. Also, The NYT Economist Dude. #TrudeauEulogies

Posted on | November 28, 2016 | Comments Off on Herbert Kornfeld Was Certainly Smarter Than Krugman, My Basset Hound. Also, The NYT Economist Dude. #TrudeauEulogies

by Smitty

Those who’ve been on the net for a while may remember Herbert Kornfeld, tragically felled by a politically correct scythe right around the time Barack Obama rose from useless to famously useless, back in 2007.

Apparently, the Northern Lightbulb is a little less dim for having been pilloried by pretty much the entire Western Hemisphere, modulo Cuba.

Lambasting this knob has been the most fun I’ve had on Twitter in too long. Here are a few more eulogies:


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