The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Rule 5 Sunday: Nighthawks

— compiled by Wombat-socho Devoid of inspiration this week, so we’re just going to segue into the standard disclaimer and stick in Edward Hopper’s classic painting, because we can. Ninety Miles from Tyranny leads off this week with Hot Pick of the Late Night, Morning Mistress, and Girls with Guns, followed by Goodstuff with Laura […]

Is This Donald Trump’s Testimony?

by Smitty Byron York talks to The Hair and The Donald beneath it, asking the following: Let’s go to Ted Cruz. He is apparently testing ways to attack you in Iowa. His campaign is calling people, testing, saying you have never asked God for forgiveness, saying you’re a “New York liberal pretending to have conservative […]

FMJRA 2.0: Pallas Athena

— compiled by Wombat-socho Rule Five Sunday: The Two Faces Of India Regular Right Guy Animal Magnetism Ninety Miles from Tyranny A View from the Beach Proof Positive Batshit Crazy News FMJRA 2.0: Jetpack Blues Regular Right Guy The Pirate’s Cove A View from the Beach Batshit Crazy News Truth Wins, Feminists Lose Batshit Crazy […]

Police: Louisiana Teacher and Teen Girl Had Year-Long Lesbian Relationship

  Kimberly Naquin, 26, was arrested Jan. 15 after it was learned that the high school geography teacher had sexually molested a teenage student, according to police in St. Charles Parish, Louisiana. Naquin had sex with the girl on at least 10 occasions over the course of nearly a year beginning in September 2014 when […]

‘Rape Culture’ Feminists Won’t Mention

  Darian Lee Winfield was arrested Jan. 8 as a suspect in “a series of sexual assaults and home invasions” in Detroit: Darian Winfield, 19, was charged with first-degree home invasion, assault with intent to murder and assault with intent to commit criminal sexual conduct, according to a news release from the Wayne County Prosecutor’s […]


An emergency bleg at A Conservative Lesbian: Right now I am sitting next to the bed of my 99-year-old dad, Hubert P. Yockey, and for the next few hours or days, he is still one of the last living nuclear physicists of the Manhattan Project. He shortened the war with Japan by improving the design […]

The Colonel Walter E. Kurtz Memorial Book Post

— by Wombat-socho It is impossible to describe what is necessary, to those who do not know what horror means. You must make a friend of horror. Short book post this week since I didn’t actually get to do much reading; for some weird reason, two of the three books I read this week had […]

Because Boys and Girls Are Different

Just a quick rant here, to fill the void while I’m working on something else: Why do feminists, on the one hand, claim that there are no natural differences between male and female and yet, on the other hand, constantly criticize men for typical masculine behavior? The answer seems obvious to me, after months of […]

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