Feminism’s Attack on ‘Institutionalized, Normative Heterosexuality’
If you’ve read my book Sex Trouble, you understand how I focus on the gap between feminism’s exoteric discourse (what feminists say when seeking support from the general public) and feminism’s esoteric doctrine (the beliefs shared among intellectuals and activists who lead and control the movement). Like other movements of the radical Left, feminism preaches […]
In The Mailbox, 08.11.15
— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM EBL: The Palinization Of Trump Proof Positive: Nightmare At 20,000 Feet Redux Da Tech Guy: Is The Iran Deal Obamacare II? Doug Powers: Perfect – Bernie Sanders Lauds Seattle As Progressive Nirvana Before Rally Shut Down By Progressive Activists Twitchy: “It’s OK, She’s A Democrat” – Melissa Gilbert’s […]
#DonaldTrumpsDiary Oh: Paul the Younger. Hey, Rinse Peabody! How About We Ditch ‘Curls’ & Bring In Carly, Who At Least Has A Clue About Business
by Smitty [View the story “#DonaldTrumpsDiary Brief Reviews Of My Stagemates” on Storify]
The ‘Free Stuff’ Party
Democrats are Santa Claus, and it’s Christmas every day with lots of toys for good little boys and girls who vote Democrat: With Americans shouldering $1.2 trillion in student loan debt, and about eight million of them in default, Hillary Rodham Clinton on Monday will propose major new spending by the federal government that would […]
The Creepy Freaks of ‘Social Justice’
Perhaps “Sarah” Nyberg (@srhbutts) thinks I’m stupid. Or perhaps Ms. Nygberg has been fooling people for so long now, Ms. Nyberg thinks that bogus little “victim” act will never fail. At any rate, after I was first suspended from Twitter for a five-month-old tweet about Ms. Nyberg, I had hoped that my response would […]
Rule 5 Sunday: Good Witches
— compiled by Wombat-socho Stacy has been writing about the deranged feminazi witches infesting academia and Tumblr, so it seems only logical that our appetizer this week should be an unquestionably Good witch, Samantha Stephens from the TV series Bewitched, played by the late Elizabeth Montgomery. As usual, I remind readers that many of the […]
Feminist Tumblr: Justifying Hatred With Radical Ideology and Also, Witchcraft
Feminism justifies anti-male attitudes by promoting an ideological belief that I call feminism’s Patriarchal Thesis: All women are victims of oppression; All men benefit from women’s oppression; therefore Whatever. Believing that normal human life is a system of injustice in which all women (collectively) are victimized by all men (collectively), feminists can justify anything they say or do […]
FMJRA 2.0: All My Bloggy Friends Have Settled Down
— compiled by Wombat-socho Feminist Tumblr: Don’t Even Ask Living In Anglo-America An Honest Feminist on Tumblr The Daley Gator Regular Right Guy Why Does Obama Hate Your Babies? First Street Journal The Pirate’s Cove Regular Right Guy FMJRA 2.0: Woke Up This Morning The Pirate’s Cove BlurBrain Rule 5 Sunday: Moe Windows Mascots? Yes, […]
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