The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Friday Fiction: 100 Word Challenge

by Smitty The yellow crane stunned him. Now? That color here at the weekly update meant what it meant. Shaking, he sent the text. * * * He hoped she came today, the smoldering redhead at the arboretum the last couple of weeks. She’d sit at noon and launch a white paper crane. She was […]

War on Women? Feminist Blames the Patriarchy for Roanoke Killings

Susan Cox (@Blasfemmey) writes for Feminist Current: More male violence against women; reporter Alison Parker killed during live broadcast Virginia TV reporter, Alison Parker, was shot dead during a live broadcast by a man who formerly worked at the same news station. Also killed was camera man Adam Ward. There are no words for this […]

Gunman Blames Racism After He Kills Two Young Journalists on Live TV UPDATE: Charleston Church Shooting ‘Sent Me Over the Top,’ Killer Claims

Vester Flanagan, a/k/a Bryce Williams Alison Parker and Adam Ward of WDBJ-TV in Roanoke, Virginia, were doing a live broadcast this morning when a disgruntled former employee of the station approached and shot them both dead with a semi-automatic pistol. Vester Flanagan, who had worked for WDBJ-TV using the on-air name “Bryce Williams,” posted a […]

Feds Raid ‘Rentboy’ Site

While the hack of the adultery site AshleyMadison-dot-com was making headlines, the FBI was investigating a male escort site: A criminal complaint was unsealed today in federal court in Brooklyn charging the CEO of, Jeffrey Hurant, and six employees with conspiring to violate the Travel Act by promoting prostitution. . . . As […]

Immolation for the Hugos

— by Wombat-socho Took me a while to get around to this post, what with all the balls in the air I have going at the moment; hell, I haven’t even been able to get an In The Mailbox post out consistently during the weekdays for Lord knows how long now. Well, one thing at […]

In The Mailbox, 08.25.15

— compiled by Wombat-socho OVER THE TRANSOM EBL: While Things Are Bad, They Could Be Worse Da Tech Guy: The Invisible Men And Women Of Protest Planned Parenthood Proof Positive: Life Imitates Art Doug Powers: “Not A Smidgen of Corruption” Moment Of Paws Twitchy: Sean Hannity Tells His “Friend” Donald Trump “Leave Megyn Kelly Alone!” […]

‘No More Fun of Any Kind!’

  “Thou shalt not joke about sex,” would seem to be the politically correct commandment on campus this fall: The Ivory Tower Outrage Brigades are once again picking up the cudgel of political correctness and are salivating at the thought of beating some poor miscreant over the head with it. In this case at Old […]

Rule 5 Sunday: RIP Batgirl, Viva Jeannie!

— compiled by Wombat-socho This week marked the demise of Yvonne Craig, known not only for her portrayal of Batgirl on the 1960s Batman series but (perhaps more widely) as the Orion Slave Girl in the original Star Trek pilot The Menagerie. It’s also Barbara Eden’s birthday! Born in 1931, Ms. Eden was a busy […]

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