The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Teaching Literary Feminism

“Why invite the potential headaches of teaching a lesbian graphic novel in a religious institution?” asks Professor Scott A. Dimowitz in an essay published in an academic anthology this month. “In the course of several iterations of a class on Literary Feminism that I teach at Regis University, a Jesuit school in Denver, Colorado, I […]

In The Mailbox, 04.30.15

— compiled by Wombat-socho Ugh. So easy to screw things up by eating the wrong food. Anyway, here’s some linkagery in lieu of Live at Five; there will also be a book post later today (or maybe Friday) with some updates on the Hugo Awards kerfluffle. OVER THE TRANSOM EBL: GoFundMe? Blackmailers Don’t Shoot: A […]

Feminism’s ‘Rape Culture’ Insanity

Does anyone else remember the “Culture War” of the 1990s? Conservatives like Bill Bennett and Robert Bork argued at the time that the decadence of popular culture — as evidenced in everything from gangsta rap to video games to Quentin Tarantino movies — was corrupting morality, inciting violence and sexual perversion. Here we are, two […]

Forgiving Brooke Baldwin

by Smitty Another day, another unfortunate utterance by someone on the Left. Watching the clip, it’s clearly a scripted set-up between her and good ol’ Elijah “fake racial slurs” Cummings. But let us express compassion for poor wee Brooke, a thirty-something special snowflake from the UNC Chapel Hill Department of Commie Propaganda (that is, Journalism). […]

Why Do Feminists Hate Beauty?

“The digital armpit that is seems to be the preferred medium of young feminists who, although they have accomplished nothing and have no credentials, find that they can become Internet Superstars by disparaging men. It seems that the most formulaic, banal and stereotypical derision of males is enormously popular with a certain type of […]

Anarchy in Baltimore

What happened Monday night in Baltimore, the Economist reported, “is perhaps best described not as a riot but as anarchy”: Though there are police lines, there are few protesters or people fighting the police or hurling stones. Indeed, where the police are lined up, the people standing around are mostly taking photos on their phones. […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 04.28.15

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS BALTIMORE BURNING – RIOTING ERUPTS AFTER FREDDIE GRAY FUNERAL Slain suspect’s sister disapproves of rioting Fifteen officers injured, six hospitalized as questions over police reaction begin Baltimore mayor finally calls for National Guard, imposes curfew Nepalis Dig Through Quake Rubble For Survivors PM says death toll could reach 10,000 […]

Mayor In Dire Straits? Media Pool Accused Of Twisting Her Words?

by Smitty The Mayor accusing media twisting her words. Thousands heard her on TV live! #BaltimoreRiots demand her resignation. — dessgess (@dessgess) April 28, 2015 That almost recalls a song: Here’s what Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake actually said: The poor mayor. She misquoted herself. She meant to say: “We gave them space. . .the final […]

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