The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Hey, @natashavc, Sorry Your Dishonest Scott Walker Smear Got Breitbarted

Breitbart (verb) — to expose dishonesty or corruption in a way that destroys the elite media’s preferred narrative, especially when done by a citizen-journalist. Example: “Brian Cates totally Breitbarted that Walker smear.” 20 seconds of Googling would have cleared up what was going on here, but it was apparently more important to some to rush a […]

Unfortunate Metaphor Alert: IRS Assigns Blind Worker To Lerner Case

by Smitty An explosive revelation from J. Christian Adams: The IRS assigned a blind guy to search for Lois Lerner emails? OMG. #tcot — Howard Notelling (@BluegrassPundit) February 28, 2015 Now, somebody I know is going blind, and it’s not a pleasant thing. So stipulate that we’re not piling on somebody doing their job. […]


by Smitty Nobody does it like James Taranto: Won't someone think of the hookers? cc: @jamestaranto (thanks), @instapundit — IGotOverMachoGrande (@smitty_one_each) February 28, 2015

Sex Trouble: Yes, Feminists DO ‘Practice Witchcraft … and Become Lesbians’

“[Feminism is] a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.” — Pat Robertson, 1992 Today the first edition of my book Sex Trouble: Essays on Radical Feminism and the War Against Human Nature is available for purchase from Amazon — just […]

ISIS Killer Identified as Computer Science Major Mohammed Emwazi

Don’t tell @MarieHarf this, but middle-class Muslims from England with university degrees become radical Islamic terrorists: The world knows him as “Jihadi John,” the masked man with a British accent who has beheaded several hostages held by the Islamic State and who taunts audiences in videos circulated widely online. But his real name, according to […]

Will No One Rid Us Of This Turbulent Godbag Christofascist Scott Walker?

by Smitty Via HotAir headlines, this blog must chip in and do its part to support raising awareness of the danger of Scott Walker. John Cassidy’s so-called attack on Walker in The New Yorker was so tepid as to invite the question of whether Cassidy is actually a stealth admirer. Let’s see if we can’t […]


Today’s vote in the Senate drew furious scorn in a statement from grassroots conservative activist Becky Gerritson: I along with millions of conservatives around the country are furious with the Republicans’ surrender in the Senate today! We listened to Republican promises to curb spending, restore our liberties and stop President Obama’s illegal executive orders regarding […]

You Had Me at ‘Pansexual’

Kathy Shaidle on Twitter called my attention to this video, shot at a protest Tuesday in Toronto about a proposed new sex education curriculum in Ontario schools. Critics of the curriculum are criticizing the province’s Liberal Premier Kathleen Wynne (who is a lesbian, as Canadian Liberals usually are), and there was a rally Tuesday that […]

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