The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Yo! Rodeo Clown!

by Smitty Keep in mind that ol’ Rutherford B. was the initial occupant of the Resolute Desk.

My Nightmare and @Andria_XX’s Reality

Sunday was spent with my wife and kids at her family reunion and, I don’t know, maybe I’m feeling deadline stress on this article about the Virginia gubernatorial campaign I’m supposed to be finishing up for the next print issue of The American Spectator. Anyway, I woke up this morning after having a horrible nightmare about […]

So The Kneepad Media Has A Pass On #Syria. Will It Grow Real Curiosity?

by Smitty Fareed Zakaria is miffed: . . .it’s hard not to conclude that the administration’s handling of Syria over the last year has been a case study in how not to do foreign policy. But will the media grow some stones and note that Obama’s foreign policy is roughly as jacked up as his […]

Rule 5 Sunday: Short Skirt/Long Jacket

— compiled by Wombat-socho I was a little hesitant to put this up tonight, especially after Stacy threw down with the Fire & Brimstone in the preceding post, but I’ve been pretty slack with these lately and need to get back on track. So, as usual, let me remind you that while many of the […]

Lubricating the Slippery Slope: The Intellectual Astroglide of the Elite

U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren Burger: HATER! | @wgstweets @blnd_n_dngrus @DBT816 — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) August 31, 2013 Few are willing to admit the truth, namely that our cultural elite have abandoned the truth — but that is putting it too mildly. Our cultural elite, of which the editors of the Washington […]

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