The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Rick-Rolled by HuffPost

You might think that a professional journalist would be completely immune to cheap marketing tactics, but occasionally even I fall for it. Backstory: Last year some evil troll decided to sign me up for every single news feed at the Huffington Post. As a result, I probably get 30 or 40 different e-mail pitches a […]

Why Do So Many #FreeKate Fanatics Remind Me of a Jethro Tull Song?

> @rachiez3 < The spiraling vortex of #FreeKate craziness | @Jeanette_Runyon @TomSeeman_VA — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) July 2, 2013 You probably thought the title reference was to “Aqualung” (“watching as the frilly panties run“) but it was actually the opening line of “Locomotive Breath” that I had in mind: “In the shuffling madness […]

Best GOP Ad Since Ladd Ehlinger, Jr. Departed The Scene

by Smitty This is just cool: Mitch McConnell for Senate So what Dr. Bunsen Honeydew’s brother got mugged by a buggerjournalist Via Rare

Neutral Objective Incompetence: How Ginger Gorham Aided Pedophile Network

“I felt no sense anything was wrong. For all intents and purposes this appeared to be a loving family and a loving household, and I’ve gone over and over about it in my brain and I did not feel anything was wrong. … I’m profoundly shocked and disgusted by what’s happened. Since then, I just […]

LIVE AT FIVE: 07.02.13

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Obama Urges Morsi To Be “Responsive” To Protesters Hundreds of thousands of protesters assemble for second day calling for Morsi to step down Morsi Rejects Egyptian Army’s Ultimatum As Ministers Resign No Asylum In Ecuador For NSA Leaker President Correa says Snowden is Russia’s problem Putin Says Snowden Not […]

Two Gay Men Used Russian Surrogate Mother to Create Boy for Sex Abuse Ring

Peter Truong and Mark Newton with their 5-year-old sex toy, 2010 What could possibly go wrong? In July 2010, two men — their names given only as Mark and Peter — were the subjects of an Australian Broadcasting Company feature story with this headline: Why two dads are better than one Becoming parents was hard […]

Why Did High Priest Of Cthulhu George W. Bush Train Conservatives To H8 Gaia?

by Smitty “Hey, pluck that bird,” said Not George W. Bush: Evil conservatives flipping the bird at green energy! "PHOTO: Endangered bird dies as Obama touts windmills" — Smitty, JokeCracka (@smitty_one_each) July 2, 2013

Inside the #FreeKate Meltdown and Her Mother’s Self-Justifying Crazy-Talk Rant

About two weeks ago, I started hearing rumors of a meltdown inside the “Free Kate” universe. What seems to have happened is that the Hunts and/or their lawyer became paranoid about their Facebook group, because things that were supposed to be private kept leaking out to the public (including me, of course). Kaitlyn Hunt’s family […]

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