My Wife: Scientific Proof
Just in case I’ve never mentioned it before — but I’m pretty sure I have — Mrs. Other McCain is one smokin’ hot babe: Ah, back in the day, my friends — of course, I wasn’t too shabby myself back in the day. This isn’t just nostalgia, or a gimmick to make you hit the freaking tip […]
Holy Crap — I Was Right! Republicans Considered Craziness Issue With Judd
Headline on the very first news article I wrote for ViralRead after becoming editor-in-chief on March 13: Will Ashley Judd’s Mental Illness Impact Her Senate Bid? Top of Memeorandum today, David Corn, Mother Jones: Secret Tape: McConnell and Aides Weighed Using Judd’s Mental Health and Religion as Political Ammo Certainly my news report about Ashley Judd’s admitted history […]
A Great First Sentence
One basic thing you learn as a journalist is that, once you’ve got the lead right, the rest of the story almost writes itself: If the news media hadn’t told you how brilliant Barack Obama was every day for the last six years, you might have your doubts. Read the whole thing.
Homophobic Bigotry Update
Why is there so much anti-gay prejudice nowadays? For example, Dave Blount at Moonbattery says only “a sick, demented society” would “facilitate” adoption by same-sex couples. I can’t imagine why anyone would say that, can you? George Harasz and Douglas Wirth, a married couple from Glastonbury, Conn., were arrested in November 2011 following allegations by two of […]
LIVE AT SIX: 04.09.13
— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Baroness Thatcher Dies, 87 Prime Minister of UK 1979-1990, leader of the Conservative Party 1975-1990 World leaders pay tribute to iconic “Iron Lady” The Future Is Now: Navy Deploys Laser Prototype In Persian Gulf USS Ponce to carry high-energy laser capable of destroying drones, small boats Patriot Anti-Ballistic Missiles […]
E-Mail From a Former Maryland Resident to Howard County (Md.) State’s Attorney
REQUESTING STATEMENT ON HARASSMENT POLICY Monday, April 8, 2013 1:22 PM From: To: Cc: Dear Sirs: As I am certain you are now aware, it has been reported that the office of Howard County State’s Attorney has refused to prosecute persons accused of online harassment, in apparent contravention of Maryland Criminal Statutes […]
‘Defeat? I Do Not Recognize the Meaning of the Word!’ Margaret Thatcher, R.I.P.
When my daughter Kennedy was 11, Margaret Thatcher came to Washington to give a speech — sponsored by the Heritage Foundation, as I recall — and I managed to get Kennedy inside on my media pass. While I don’t recall exactly what Baroness Thatcher said on that occasion, I was deeply grateful that my daughter […]
LIVE AT SIX: 04.08.13
— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS “Mr. Kerry, How Do You Ask A Woman To Be The Last To Die In Afghanistan?” Diplomat killed along with five others in an explosion Saturday Rick Warren “Overwhelmed” By Support After Son’s Suicide Matthew Warren committed suicide after a long battle with mental illness Ex-Porn Star Jenna Jameson […]
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