The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

LIVE AT FIVE: 11.19.12

— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS Latest Israel-Hamas Clash More Risky In Changed Mideast Will Morsi’s Egypt and Erdogan’s Turkey aid Hamas? Obama Arrives In Burma Says trip not an endorsement of government Biden: Sandy Victims Have A Homeboy In The Whitehouse Practically family! Just like George Obama! POLITICS Democrat Leads But West Still Fighting […]

‘Another Person Known to the Grand Jury’ in the Barrett Brown Indictment?

Barrett Brown calmly explains why he’s going to ‘destroy’ an FBI agent On Sept. 12, former Anonymous spokesman Barrett Brown was arrested in Texas after he posted a bizarre YouTube video rant in which he threatened to “destroy” an FBI Special Agent. In March, Brown had been raided, but not arrested, by the FBI at the […]

LGF New Tune: Hurray for Pallywood!

It may be necessary to explain that, once upon a time, Little Green Footballs was one of the most influential blogs, linked and cited by everyone from Rush Limbaugh to Matt Drudge. Since 2007, however, LGF has imploded, following the apparent mental breakdown of its operator, Charles Johnson, who went psycho on Pamela Geller, embraced global warming, […]

Rule 5 Sunday

— compiled by Wombat-socho As usual, don’t follow the links if you’re at work or someplace else not appropriate for the viewing of nude women. Blessed Blasphemy leads off with Jennifer Love Hewitt, Randy’s Roundtable follows with Evan Rachel Wood, and Reaganite Republican has “the REAL Miss America,” Vanessa Dobos. Laughing Conservative presents Vanessa Union, […]

Justice Delayed in Girl’s Murder

In 1970, 9-year-old Donna Willing was kidnapped, raped and strangled in Milwaukee. The investigation of her murder failed to solve the crime, but in 2007, Donna’s younger sister persuaded detectives to re-open the case. The cold-case investigation soon identified a suspect: Convicted sex offender Robert Hill, who had lived next door to Donna’s family at […]

Will Israel Invade Gaza Again?

Israeli air attacks now are, in the words of IDF Capt. Eytan Buchman, “part of our overarching goal of toppling Hama’s command and control capabilities.” That is to say, degrading the organizational infrastructure, which would hinder a concerted resistance to an Israel invasion on the ground in Gaza. The IDF has mobilized reserves and is […]

Geopolitics and ‘Amateur Assclowns’

Daily Caller tech editor Josh Peterson quotes me accurately about the Anonymous hacker war against Israel: “These people who engage in these attacks don’t know me from Adam, and all they know is ‘Oh, has criticized Anonymous,” he said. He is also critical of the severity of the impact that Anonymous’ activities have on […]

Neal Rauhauser’s Sick Obsession and the #Anonymous #OpIsrael Hamas Scam

Just got off the phone with a reporter who was wondering why this blog was named in the second paragraph of a press release from Anonymous about their support for the terrorist group Hamas: It has come to our attention that conservative and pro-Israeli groups throughout the blogosphere have taken advantage of Operation Israel, attempting […]

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