The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler


— compiled by Wombat-socho TOP NEWS SecState Clinton To Visit Mideast In Pursuit Of Ceasefire Leaving Cambodia today for Jerusalem, Ramallah and Cairo South China Sea Dispute Overshadows Obama’s ASEAN Visit Philippines object to “consensus” on negotiations with PRC FBI: Four Southern California Men Charged In Terror Plot Conspired to join Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan POLITICS […]

“You’d Be Excited If Barack Ripped A Post Tex-Mex Back-Blast Next To Your Face”

by Smitty Misfit Politics serves the toilet humor straight up: via Chris Loesch

HuffPo and the Homo-Supremacy Agenda

The rah-rah from the cheerleaders has become so deafening that people don’t even hear the noise anymore, and can’t think clearly about what is being constantly shouted at them. Shorter HuffPo: Isn’t It Totally Awesome That Nate Silver Sucks Cock?… — Robert Stacy McCain (@rsmccain) November 19, 2012 Shorter HuffPo: Isn’t It Awesome That […]

Rhetorical Physics

by Smitty If U discuss Ds’ 80 yr old free stuff strategy, Ds say UR racist & estab Rs say UR mean & divisive. This is pure insanity. #tcot #p2 #war — Matthew Vadum (@vadum) November 19, 2012   More fully: “If you discuss Democrat’s 80 year old ‘free stuff’ strategy, Democrats say you’re racist, […]

UPDATE: Walker v. Kimberlin, Et Al. (Also: Why ‘Doxing’ Is Always Illegal)

John Hoge’s latest news in the Virginia case of Aaron Walker v. Brett Kimberlin, et al., is that Walker’s attorney Dan Backer has filed motions for default judgments against Kimberlin’s co-defendants Ron Bryanert and Neal Rauhauser. Backer is requesting that the court in Prince William County schedule the hearing on this motion for Dec. 4, […]

The 2016 Campaign Begins

Marco Rubio goes to Iowa: Seven hundred people turned out to see the Florida senator at the annual  birthday fundraiser bash for GOP Gov. Terry Branstad. Rubio had the spotlight  all to himself — he said he was merely here to help the governor mark his 66th  birthday, but no one believed it for a […]

What? Terrorists Lie?

If they are willing to fire missiles randomly at innocent people, why would anyone expect the murderous thugs of Hamas to be scrupulously honest? Having figured out that victimhood is the measure of righteousness in the eyes of Western liberals, the terrorist regime in Gaza is busy exploiting this propaganda angle with the assistance of […]

It’s Black Friday Deals Week!

  Yes, that’s right — it’s the best week of the year to shop our Amazon Associates links, get great bargains and also help provide a small commission for the blog at no extra cost to you! Samsung Series S24B30BL 23.6-Inch Screen LCD Monitor — $119.99! Up to 50% Off Select Panasonic LUMIX G-Series Compact […]

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