The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Award-Winning Reagan

Our 8-year-old daughter Reagan began public school this year as a third-grader, having previously been home-schooled or attended Christian school. Less than a month into the school year, she won the Respectful Student Award which I’m told (by our 22-year-old daughter, now a school teacher herself) is a very impressive achievement. Parents were invited to […]

Joe Biden Sends Me E-Mail

As noted yesterday, the fund-raising e-mails from Obama’s re-election campaign are becoming increasingly desperate: Robert — I need to ask you one last thing before tonight’s midnight deadline: If you know you’re going to donate to this campaign eventually, what’s stopping you from doing it right now? If you’re going to be a part of […]

Come to Think of It — No, Wait …

My unfortunate penchant for double-entendres made it rather difficult for me to read the following article: A lawyer who donated sperm to pay his way through college has learned that he has fathered an astonishing 70 children. More than 15 of those have already attempted to contact 33-year-old Ben Seisler. The donor confessed to his […]

They Told Glenn Reynolds …

… that if he voted for John McCain, Americans would be executed without trial — and they were right! The due-process-free assassination of U.S. citizens is now reality   American Citizen Anwar al-Awlaki Assassinated in Yemen Big Gator notes that Anwar Al-Awlaki has the right to remain silent. Da Tech Guy wonders if Glenn Greenwald […]

Dear NYPD …

NYPD resisted the temptation to kill this Commie douchenozzle Permit me to praise you, courageous officers of the New York Police Department, for your admirable restraint in dealing with the smelly Marxist scum currently infesting your city. While I haven’t previously bothered to grant any underserved publicity to the vermin involved in the “Occupy Wall […]

Candid Neo-Commie

by Smitty Doubling down on the holy-cow commentary of Bev Perdue, we have Peter Funt, son of Alan, appearing at The Moderate Voice: Despite nagging evidence to the contrary, Ralph Nader is basically a smart guy. Certainly he’s aware of the damage he wrought in 2000 by taking enough votes from Al Gore to hand […]

Florida: The Evil State

Last night on Fox News, Rick Santorum alluded to the fact that Rick Perry supporter Dean Cannon is one of the Florida GOP leaders pushing to move up their primary. Santorum did not, however, refer to the growing suspicion among many Americans that the so-called “Florida Republican Party” is actually a terrorist cell organized by clandestine agents […]


Apparently a U.S. Predator drone strike: The U.S.-born terror mastermind Anwar al-Awlaki has been killed, Fox News confirms. Awlaki was killed with several other suspected al Qaeda operatives, the Yemeni defense ministry said. The statement did not elaborate on the circumstances of Awlaki’s death. However, tribal sources told AFP that Awlaki was killed in an […]

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