The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

July 2011: Best. Month. EVAH!

Many people deserve credit for pushing to an all-time traffic high in July. We’ll finish the month with something like 340,000 visits and 450,000 page-views. And this was the month when we cleared the 7-million mark. So thanks to faithful sidekick Smitty — and also Smitty’s wife, who brought forth baby Niklas this month, […]

Yeah, It’s Time For The Circle Jerks

by Smitty Stacy recommends stocking up on personal lube. His wisdom is impeccable on this. The following video is not exactly safe for work, but this is sort of a bluesy take on the CJ’s immortal classic: via Jimmie Bise, we have a Speaker Boehner slide show, the text of which I’ve extracted: TWO-STEP APPROACH […]

News: Herman Cain Beats Rick Perry and I Just Bought My Ticket to Des Moines

The media don’t much like him, but whenever he gets a chance to meet people one-on-one, he wins: Presidential candidate Herman Cain won the straw poll at the Western Conservative Summit in Denver this weekend with 48 percent of the votes, followed by Texas Governor Rick Perry. “How about spectacular,” Cain said to ABC News […]

Got Milk?

by Smitty Aye, and he’s a hardy lad, the World’s Youngest Blogger.

Lubricating the Debt-Ceiling Deal

The negotiations continue in Washington. It’s OK with Harry Reid and one liberal sees it as an “unprecedented political victory” for the GOP. Ri-iiiiiight. That Mr. G Guy offers a suggestion for how conservatives can make their end of the bargain slightly less painful. However, he misses a lucrative opportunity to monetize this occasion. Perhaps […]

Dan Riehl Doesn’t Want Any Gold Stars From Teacher for ‘Plays Well With Others’

To say the very least. Jennifer Rubin used the phrase “GOP extremists,” which was enough to provoke a memorable reminder of something I try to warn people about: Never make Dan Riehl angry if you can avoid it. He’s kinda like Dr. Banner that way.

Because Democrats Are Liars, That’s Why

Democratic pollster Stanley Greenberg titles his New York Times thumbsucker “Why Voters Tune Out Democrats,” and writes: Oddly, many voters prefer the policies of Democrats to the policies of Republicans. They just don’t trust the Democrats to carry out those promises. You can read the whole thing, which I must caution you is written by […]

When in Doubt, Hot Chicks on Video

A reliable formula for driving Web traffic? Yeah. It helps when one of the chicks is Dana Loesch, interviewed at the Smart Girl Summit by Alex “Muy Caliente” Garcia: (Via Instapundit.) For you guys who can’t get enough Dana Loesch — which is to say, all of you — Nice Deb has video of Dana […]

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