The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Herman Cain Speaks Bluntly: ‘I Believe Homosexuality Is a Sin … Their Choice’

In an interview on CBS News: “I believe homosexuality is a sin because I’m a Bible-believing Christian, I believe it’s a sin. But I know that some people make that choice. That’s their choice.” OK, I know for a fact that Herman Cain has GOProud supporters, and it will be interesting to see their reaction […]

Behind Blue Eyes

Ann Coulter was interviewed by ABC News, and Terry Moran introduced the segment this way: Simply put — a lot of people despise Ann Coulter, the conservative firebrand, because of her malevolent and acid rhetoric. Who are “a lot of people”? Liberals. And toward whom is Coulter’s rhetoric “malevolent”? Liberals. Keep in mind that Ann Coulter […]

McCarthy On The War Powers Act

by Smitty Read this NRO post by Andrew McCarthy on the War Powers Act. Truly interesting Constitutional thinking. What makes the WPA constitutionally problematic, though, is mostly its legislative veto provision, which purports to enable Congress to direct the president to withdraw forces by a joint resolution. (See this 2004 CRS analysis, here.) Joint resolutions […]

When Will Weiner Quit?

My hunch says today but, rationally, politicians always prefer to save bad news for after 7 p.m. on a Friday. That way, the story doesn’t make the evening news on a weekday, and ends up in Saturday’s newspapers, which almost nobody reads. However, as I mention at The American Spectator, it seems impossible that Weiner can […]

LIVE AT FIVE – 06.09.11

TOP NEWS UK, France Submit Draft UN Resolution On Syria No call for action, just condemnation of crackdown violence Gates Summons NATO Allies To Libya Germany, Poland, Spain, Netherlands and Turkey defense ministers told they need to do more Cause Of German E. Coli Outbreak Still Uncertain Koch Institute, German Health Ministry divided on whether […]

Feminism and the ‘Friendly Stranger’

“How many coeds do you have to dick-dial behind the back of your pregnant wife before someone notices that maybe that’s not exactly congruent with the teachings of Gloria Steinem?” — Ace of Spades, “In Which I Confess Some Doubts” Having resisted the temptation to re-open my long war with Little Miss Attila over the […]

Weiner’s Secret Desire
UPDATED: ‘X-Rated’ Photo Emerges; Weiner’s Wife Is Pregnant; More Democrats Now Calling for Resignation

“To be sure, Weiner stayed true to his 1996 pronouncement when, 14 years later, he wed a member of the cognitive elite, a high-powered career woman. But the details of his online shenanigans suggest that he harbored secret desires for female admiration and deference — that he was a closet male chauvinist.” — James Taranto, […]

It’s Like the ‘Reefer Madness’ of Sex

Don’t know where Laura W. found this trailer for the 1967 exploitation film Teenage Mother, but we are all eternally grateful she did: After watching that atrocious dreck, I’m sure you’re asking yourself three questions: Were the 1960s really like that? — Of course not, no more so than life in 2011 is like movies […]

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