The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Why Do They Hate Poor Kids?

Posted on | April 22, 2011 | 18 Comments

You may recognize these two gentlemen:

They had a few words (including “drop dead”) for Kerry Picket of The Washington Times who, during a press conference, had the temerity to ask questions about D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray’s opposition to school vouchers. Miss Picket has now tentatively identified the gentlemen:

It has come to my attention after further review that the man speaking to me in my video is likely Richard Rosendall of D.C.’s Gay and Lesbian Activist Alliance. The other individual next to him is likely D.C. LGBT activist and Washington Blade blogger Peter Rosenstein. Repeated attempts to reach Mr. Rosendall and Mr. Rosenstein to confirm their identities have not been answered.

So why don’t these guys want poor children in D.C. to have an opportunity for better education than is provided by the city’s wretched public-school system?


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