The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Thugs for Social Justice: Union Goon Gets Rough With Tabitha Hale on Video

AFL-CIO rent-a-mobsters, including members of the Communications Workers of America, descended on the D.C. offices of FreedomWorks today for a protest. Tabitha Hale had a video camera going when she got shoved by a CWA goon: Michelle Malkin has more details. UPDATE: “There Goes the Union Civility Again.” The Underground Conservative: “Is this what Rep. Michael […]

‘Incredibly Sexist Assertion’

The Lara Logan story proves to be the gift that keeps on giving, thanks to a predictable pattern: Someone attempts a reaction more complex than “rape is bad,” and immediately gets shouted down by angry feminists. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. Thank God for Nirs Rosen’s ne plus ultra moonbat response, or otherwise I might have been […]

Mike Capuano: Thug 4 Life

“He’s a thug, plain and simple,” says Pundette, after Massachusetts Democrat Rep. Mike Capuano demonstrated the liberal “New Tone” at a union rally in Boston: “I’m proud to be here with people who understand that it’s more than just sending an email to get you going. Every once and awhile you need to get out on the […]

Judge Decides Federal Government Has Authority to Control ‘Mental Activity’

Paging George Orwell! As previous Commerce Clause cases have all involved physical activity, as opposed to mental activity, i.e. decision-making, there is little judicial guidance on whether the latter falls within Congress’s power. . . . It is pure semantics to argue that an individual who makes a choice to forgo health insurance is not […]

Palin, Newt, Huck and Cain, Oh My!

Rounding up some 2012 news: Both Doug Brady at Conservatives for Palin and Josh Painter at Texas for Palin liked my reaction to “worthless two-faced backstabbing crapweasel” Frank Bailey. What Bailey has done — trying to cash in with a “tell all” book damaging to his former employer — is a breach of a fundamental […]


by Smitty If a group of public servants under the UCMJ were to pull the sort of rolling stunt currently seen in Wisconsin, with support in various other states, no one would hesitate to call it precisely what it is. Private sector unions are one thing. Trumka is a genius, getting all of those people […]

LIVE AT FIVE – 2.23.11

TOP NEWS We Told You The Fix Was In: Emanuel Elected Mayor Of Chicago Via Lash3 on Twitter: This —> RT @teh_Dede: RT @im_bonafide: Rahm Emanuel wins Chicago mayoral race with 107% of votes cast. Obama Pressured To Intervene In Libya Critics question his silence Libya Unrest Pushes Oil To 30-Month High Analysts predict gas […]

Chicago’s New F***ing Mayor

Rahm Emanuel has cussed his way to victory in the Chicago mayoral election. He got 55 percent in a six-candidate field, with former Daley staffer Gery Chico getting 24 percent and the Worst Senator Ever getting 9 percent.

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