The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler


ANCHORAGE, Alaska UPDATE Midnight ET (4 p.m. local) — The AOSHQ flaming skull dipped in pudding? Where’s Norah O’Donnell now that we need her? UPDATE 11 p.m. ET (7 p.m. local) — It’s over. I just returned to Joe Miller campaign HQ after attending Sen. Lisa Murkowski’s concession speech on the other side of town. […]

Taking Care Of A Great Lady

by Smitty Baldilocks is a great blogger, author, veteran and Christian. I’ll admit to being only a couple of chapters into her book, as I’ve mostly been reading non-fiction of late, but I can vouch that it’s well written. Do lend consideration as you’re able. Blessings, lady.

Somebody Has To Stand Up For The SEIU

by Smitty (h/t Nice Deb) Everyone is giving the SEIU the Dan Quayle treatment for inability to spell ‘American’. Joke’s on you. SEIU representative Jessica Jacksonville* reveals the full sign should be understood as: Standing Up For The Actual Majoritarian Equal Redistribution Community Activist Neo-socialist Dream For certain ‘nightmare’ values of ‘dream’, of course. And, […]

Coburn Over Gingrich, Sure, But How Do We Do Redemption?

by Smitty (h/t The Corner) I don’t disagree with what Senator Coburn says in Politico: In explaining why he wouldn’t support Gingrich, Coburn specifically targeted the ex-speaker’s three marriages as proof that Gingrich “doesn’t know anything about commitment to marriage.” “His life indicates he does not have a commitment to the character traits necessary to […]

Bolton 2012? Bring Him On!

by Smitty Hot Air casts the bread on the water, quoting the Daily Caller: Not shy about his position on a wide range of issues, would this critic-in-chief consider a run for commander-in-chief in 2012? Bolton didn’t reject the idea out of hand. “[I]t is a very great honor that anybody would even think of […]

A Bit Of Ark Snark

by Smitty The excellent No Sheeples Here takes a scrap of an idea, based upon a Jennifer Rubin remark comparing the Democrat’s November prospects to a ‘deluge’, and does The Wonderful:The bad news is the accuracy of the prophecy. My guess is that, as we take a look at the damage caused to the ship […]

Did You Miss Hair Of The Dog?

by Smitty Rather brief this week, but less seems to be more for the good VP. The Beck clip is worth the price of admission:

Greetings From Anchorage!

ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Whenever I’m staying in a hotel, it is my habit to laud my hosts with adjectival praise, as for instance when I attended Right Online in Las Vegas at the luxurious Venetian Resort Hotel. In keeping with this tradition, I can now describe my current abode as an adequate motel near the Anchorage airport. Good news: It’s only $60 […]

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