The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

CPAC Day 1.1: Your Blog Dollars at Work

While contributions to The Other McCain tip jar are neither charitable, nor non-profit nor tax-deductible, we do accomplish certain humanitarian goals at CPAC. Little Miss Attila enjoys an extra-dry martini — with Tangueray gin — courtesy of yours truly. We were joined in the lobby bar of the fabulous Marriott Wardman Park Hotel by Sean […]

The Protocols of the Elders of CTHULHU XVI. The Ivory Tower

by Smitty (INTRODUCTION) There was a legal pad and pen in front of me, there at the corner of the table away from the window and the head. Apparently I was the recorder for the meeting. Yes, I’d been a stenographer. Before that second light bulb, or anyone else for that matter, died, the speaker […]

CPAC: Pamela Geller And Robert Spencer Strike Again

by Smitty In the Rock Star Blogger pantheon, few exceed Pamela and Robert for lasting impact. It’s one thing to carve out a blog, and quite another to do something like bring Geert Wilders to CPAC 2009. What do these two do for an encore? The Freedom Defense Initiative. This blog in particular looks forward […]

CPAC: Items On The Horizon from Mattera the Online Tax Revolt

by Smitty At lunch today with Jason Mattera, who took enough time off from afflicting the comfortably elected to write a book During lunch, we had a visit from Kevin M., with a press release for the Online Tax Revolt, which is purportedly live today. According to the hard copy press release I was given, […]

The Protocols of the Elders of CTHULHU XV. The Coups

by Smitty (INTRODUCTION) His own chair was a torture device made of small yellow-white objects…teeth. The chair fought with the air to steal the most heat from his body. The speaker seemed to pay no heed to the functionary until his regular path brought him in arm’s reach of the hooded one. “Your failure to […]

CPAC 2010: Liz Cheney Brings The Beatdown

by Smitty Liz Cheney’s talk at CPAC is a thorough critique of the administration’s security policy. The fact that the Justice Department has logged more hours investigating the CIA than the CIA has logged interrogating the foe is quite damning. She’s also touting her site, Keep America Safe. The administration’s attention is drawn to somebody […]

VIDEO Exclusive: Marco Rubio at CPAC

by Smitty Stacy McCain caught up with Marco Rubio just after MR’s keynote of justice at CPAC 2010.

VIDEO Exclusive: Stacy McCain Interviews Ed Morrissey

by Smitty Update: Fixed the YouTube clip.  First day, new thing. My efforts to start vicious rumors about Hot Air have been derailed. Ed Morrissey thoroughly refutes the rumors that the new Hot Air will be about: Manga Cat blogging The Elders of CTHULHU Instead, to quote Ed, the new owners: …are not looking to […]

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