The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Why Facts Matter

“Bad causes attract bad people,” I observed in 2013, when explaining why deranged, dishonest and deviant personalities had been attracted to the “Free Kate” banner, supporting teenage sex offender Kaitlyn Hunt.   Honest, sane, normal people would never associate themselves with such a bad cause, and so bad behavior by Kaitlyn Hunt’s supporters — including death […]

The Standards of Liberal Journalism Are Every Bit as Real as ‘Haven Monahan’

How about we start speaking some blunt truths? Rolling Stone magazine perpetrated a hoax against the University of Virginia, doing “journalism” about an alleged gang rape that evidently never happened. The source of the dramatic tale Rolling Stone published last November, “A Rape on Campus,” was a UVA student named Jackie who has been proven to […]

Just Murder, Not a ‘Hate Crime’

The headline in January was frightening: Lesbian gunned down in North Philly A North Philadelphia lesbian was shot in broad daylight [Jan. 13] while on her way to work. Kim Jones, 56, was shot in the head at 9:30 a.m. while she was standing on the corner of 12th and Jefferson streets near Temple University, […]

Sex, Lies and ‘Broken People’

Bobby Bradshaw spent seven months in jail because a crazy woman with a fake Russian accent falsely accused him of rape: “If everyone knew the whole story, they could make a movie out of it,” he said. “It’s something you couldn’t write. It’s too crazy.” . . . At the July hearing, the woman, speaking […]

The 19th Paragraph: Feminism’s Eternal Quest for the Great White Defendant

From an article in the Los Angeles Times: Venice High has long been a microcosm of the diverse community around it, which includes a mix of rapidly gentrifying neighborhoods and areas known as a center of gang violence. In 2006, a 17-year-old Venice High student was fatally shot as he tried to protect his younger […]

‘There Is No Spoon’: Radical Feminism and the Paranoid Matrix of Patriarchy

“Given that woman cannot ‘fit’ into the cartography of male thought, she cannot be expected to communicate in ways that are understandable to those caught within a patriarchal mindset. Thus the typically male disparagement of women’s thinking as confused, irrational or superstitious is simply a lack of imagination: women’s thinking is only irrational if understood […]

The Motives of Moody Loners

Last month’s shooting in Chapel Hill, N.C., sparked a raging online argument over whether it was (a) an anti-Muslim hate crime or (b) a dispute over a parking space. The insistence that the motive for the crime was either one or the other omits the possibility that it was (c) both or (d) neither. The victims […]

Weird #GamerGate Angle: ‘Emotional Fulfillment Through Love of a Robot’?

What’s the most hateful stereotype of videogamers? That they are losers, retreating into a fantasy world as psychological compensation for their real-life failures. It’s kind of like the stereotype of feminists as ugly women who are angry because men don’t like them. As we view the #GamerGate controversy, then, it’s interesting to see how these […]

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