The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Random Feminist Craziness

Why did Harriett Williamson (@harrietpw) lash out at #GamerGate this way? I have no idea. Her account is currently suspended, which suggests that she sent this message during some kind of Twitter meltdown. Ms. Williamson is a British lesbian who hates men so much that when a man suggested she could be heterosexual, she “wanted to […]

Feminism: Gender Competition and the War Against Human Nature

Freedom, prosperity and happiness require people to develop and encourage an attitude that can be described in five words: Voluntary cooperation for mutual benefit This is the secret of capitalism, the secret of democracy, and it also the secret to a successful career and family life. Selfish, envious people — those who view life as a zero-sum […]

Web Site Everybody Hates Reminds Everybody Why We Hate Them

Gawker is to journalism what Pol Pot was to Cambodia: Last night, a writer at Gawker outed and gay-shamed someone at the behest of an unnamed (for his safety!) source. It was a story steeped in sex, fame, cash, and blackmail, which made it a perfect target for today’s salacious clickbait culture. Today, Gawker’s managing […]

The Hired Liars of Liberal Media

Andrew Breitbart used the phrase “Democrat-Media Complex” to describe the dishonest and hypocritical frauds who consider their partisan opinions to be synonymous with Truth and Virtue. Based on my own experience — as an ex-Democrat who has been in the news business since 1986 — I long ago concluded that most journalists don’t notice liberal bias for […]

The War Against Human Nature: Feminism and the Mirage of ‘Equality’

“As far as feminist endorsements are concerned, this was the holy grail: A word with a complicated history reclaimed by the most powerful celebrity in the world. . . . Beyoncé would become the subject of two-thirds of all tweets about feminism in the 24 hours after her appearance [at the 2014 Video Music Awards].” […]

With The Master Of The Hounds:
The Hugo Nominees

— by Wombat-socho It’s been highly amusing reading Brad Torgersen’s blog lately, what with the recent public meltdown of Sasquan GoH David Gerrold, Arthur Chu “helping” NPR with a hamfisted report on the goings-on, and other hilarity. Looming in the background, of course, is the steady increase in supporting memberships resulting from #GamerGate taking notice […]

Crazy People Are Dangerous

Deborah E. Frisch, Ph.D., is due in court Monday: The former University of ­Oregon professor released from jail [March 30] after pleading guilty to making a false report against a Eugene police officer is again behind bars on similar charges. Deborah Ellen Frisch, 53, is facing a charge of initiating a false report and a […]

The #AreYouBlocked Test: Gamers, Lesbian Feminists, the Pope and Me

If you’re wondering what the #AreYouBlocked hashtag is about, click here to see the League of Gamers “Blocklist Checker” site. What has happened? It’s simple: Crazy people do crazy things. One thing crazy people do is to accuse others of “harassment.” Randi Harper (@Freebsdgirl) decided to make herself the Social Justice Warrior (SJW) queen by creating […]

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