The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Crazy #ShoutYourStatus Tweets Reveal What Feminists Want to Teach Your Kids

  Emily DePasse (@eld3393 on Twitter) calls herself “The Carrie Bradshaw of Herpes” — a reference to the protagonist of Sex and the City — and she’s teaching her beliefs to children at a private school in Baltimore. DePasse is a feminist who joined the #ShoutYourStatus campaign for Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Awareness Month, declaring […]

Never Take Advice From Feminists

  Peggy Orenstein is a feminist whose books include Flux: Women on Sex, Work, Love, Kids and Life in a Half-Changed World (2001): At 34, Peggy Orenstein faced a series of dilemmas shared by many women of her generation: She was unsure whether she wanted children, unsure about the impact of motherhood on her career, […]

Update: @fyeahmfabello Is Still Crazy (Beware of the Feminist™ Brand)

  Melissa Fabello is the editor of Everyday Feminism who hates white people, heterosexuality and men, not necessarily in that order. She’s also BFFs with Anita Sarkeesian, Commissar of the Feminist Thought Police. After spending about 36 hours writing a massively serious piece about feminism’s radical theology, I checked back into the online world this […]

Feminist Tumblr: ‘Broken People’ and the Tragedy of the Darwinian Dead End

Sometimes I’ll write about a feminist and a commenter will remark what happy news it is that this hateful creature will not reproduce. Alas, as a parent and a Christian, I feel tremendous sadness at such outcomes, for I know that every time some foolish young woman climbs aboard the express train to Crazy Cat […]

A Fascinating Video: How Academic Feminists Persecute Their Opponents

Janice Fiamengo explains it all. Those who have followed the Sex Trouble series may recall that I have disavowed being a Men’s Rights Activist (MRA) which, of course, hasn’t kept feminists from describing me as such. (SJWs Always Lie.) My research is about exposing what feminists actually believe — the esoteric doctrine of their cult, […]

Feminist Hates White Heterosexual Men

Melissa Fabello (@fyeahmfabello on Twitter) is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Human Sexuality Studies at Widener University. Fabello is managing editor of an anti-male/anti-heterosexual website called Everyday Feminism dedicated to promoting an “LGBTQIA+” agenda, and she is also a close personal friend of Twitter commissar Anita Sarkeesian. Melissa Fabello‘s feminism is about inciting women to […]

Guys: Never Talk to a College Girl

The more I read about the current climate on America’s college and university campuses, the more convinced I am that no man smart enough to go to college would ever be stupid enough to date a college girl. Feminists have ginned up a frightening hysteria of anti-male fear among female students. Any boy who kisses a girl […]

Pro Tip: Don’t Be a ‘Feminist Man’

  Nora Samaran (@NoraSamaran on Twitter) runs a blog called “Dating Tips for the Feminist Man,” the idea of which is absurd, an oxymoron. Feminists are women who do not like men, and the “Feminist Man” is either (a) a man who is too stupid to understand that feminists hate him, (b) a man who […]

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