The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Tumblrina SJW Trauma Drama

  Thalia Gomez is a lesbian and a feminist (but I repeat myself). Last week on her Tumblr blog (because of course she’s got a Tumblr blog) she posted a desperate plea for assistance: Please Help Me Leave My Abusive Girlfriend I’m reaching out mainly to the radfem community because you guys have been so […]

Tucker Carlson: ‘Something Ominous Is Happening to Men in America’

  If you did not see Tucker Carlson’s Fox News program Wednesday night, you missed a stunningly detailed description of the problems that are affecting men in America: The signs are everywhere. If you’re a middle aged man, you probably know a peer who has killed himself in recent years. At least one. If you’re […]

The Kinky Queer Intersectional Feminist: Empowerment by Sado-Masochism?

  Suz Ellis (@redhotsuz on Twitter) is a Canadian sex blogger who is “currently pursuing a double major in Communications and Multimedia, and hope to one day work within the sexuality industry.” What? You had not previously realized that “sexuality” is now an “industry” in Canada? Welcome to the 21st-century, where every Canadian college girl […]

‘Maybe as an Old Chick I Don’t Get it’

  You’ve probably heard about the Aziz Ansari “scandal,” in which a 22-year-old photographer (“Grace”) had a bad date with the 36-year-old TV star. Darleen Click’s take on the story is excellent: It’s a cringe-worthy endeavor to read, not just because Grace keeps remembering her interior dialogue of feeling uncomfortable accompanied with little girl astonishment […]

Ex-Partner Accuses ‘Nonbinary Transfemme’ @EliErlick of Sexual Abuse

Eli Erlick (left); Danielle “Danie Yun” Diamond (right). In April 2017, Glamour magazine named Pitzer College senior Eli Erlick one of their “College Women of the Year,” the first time a transgender person (born male) was chosen for this honor. A few months later, one of Erlick’s former classmates, a woman who has since undergone […]

How About an ‘Insanity Studies’ Major? UPDATE: ‘Queer’ With ‘Psychotic Episodes’ and ‘Endless Mental Fog’

It’s difficult to describe the cognitive dissonance I sometimes experience. Here at home, today was filled by a cheerful family holiday celebration. Meanwhile, however, the world is full of depravity and despair. Because my work involves searching through feminist blogs, I have a very pessimistic view of America’s future. If these people are our future, […]

Hollywood’s Homo-Hypocrisy

Headline at Mediaite: After Months of Attacking Roy Moore, Hollywood Releases Film Romanticizing Child Molestation Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? When I saw that headline, I immediately had a hunch and — surprise! surprise! — my hunch was correct: As the year comes to a close, Hollywood releases its final batch of films, many of which will […]

The Sexual Harassment Apocalypse

  Remember “Mattress Girl”? In 2014, Columbia University student Emma Sulkowicz became a feminist heroine for her performance-art project dramatizing what she claimed was rape, but what her ex-boyfriend Paul Nungesser said was a consensual hook-up. Neither the police nor university officials believed there was a case against Nungesser, but feminists insisted that anyone who […]

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