The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

SJW Feminist @SamanthaPajor Has Finally Solved the Terrorism Problem

  Samantha Pajor “is a freelance journalist living in Chicago. She runs one of Tumblr’s most popular feminist blogs, I Write About Feminism.” She supported Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign, which she celebrated as “a movement that centers the intersectionalities of economic equality, environmental stability, and social justice.” Not to put too fine a point on […]

Feminist Fantasies

Several years ago — I could look it up — I interview Phyllis Schlafly about her book Feminist Fantasies. Mrs. Schlafly, in many ways one the most influential American woman of the 20th century, laughed about how “tough” feminists sometimes claim to be. Certainly few of them had the steely strength of Mrs. Schlafly who, […]

‘Anatomy of Rage’: @mstiefvater and the Feminist Injustice Collector Phenomenon

Maggie Stiefvater (@mstiefvater on Twitter) is a successful novelist, married with two kids, living in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. In April 2015, she posted a Tumblr essay, “The Anatomy of Rage,” that begins with an incident in which a mechanic uses the phrase “little girl” while telling her husband that he’s going to fix […]

On @MattMcGorry, @MeghanEMurphy and the ‘Male Feminist’ Problem

  In case you didn’t know, Matt McGorry is an actor who, in March 2015, was inspired by Emma Watson’s “He for She” campaign to declare: I’m embarrassed to admit that I only recently discovered the ACTUAL definition of “feminism”. The fact that the term is sometimes clouded with anything other than pure support and […]

More Feminists, More Gender Theory

“When we’re talking about rape culture and idealism, we have to talk about Slut Walk. . . . The fallacy here is not wanting to end rape culture. The fallacy is that marching around with ‘End Rape Culture’ on my back was actually going to end rape culture.” — Rachel Ivey, 2013 In response to […]

‘Male Feminist’? Don’t Waste Your Time

  Feminists are women who hate men, and men who support feminism do so because either (a) they don’t realize feminists hate them, (b) they hate themselves, or (c) they think they can be an exception to this hatred. Feminism is a movement by women, for women, against men. Feminists regard the “male feminist” as […]

The ‘Male Feminist’ Problem

How many times must I say it? Never talk to a feminist: Guys: Learn to take a hint. Learn to walk away. If a woman tells you she is a feminist, say nothing and walk away. No feminist wants to hear what a man has to say, and life is too short to waste your […]

Update: @fyeahmfabello Is Still Crazy (Beware of the Feminist™ Brand)

  Melissa Fabello is the editor of Everyday Feminism who hates white people, heterosexuality and men, not necessarily in that order. She’s also BFFs with Anita Sarkeesian, Commissar of the Feminist Thought Police. After spending about 36 hours writing a massively serious piece about feminism’s radical theology, I checked back into the online world this […]

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