The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Democrats, Feminists and Other Liars

  Let’s begin with something that should be obvious, but which has seldom been stated explicitly: There is no objective reason for the recent upsurge of radical feminism in the United States. However bad sexism is today, it is not worse than it was five years ago or 10 years ago. In fact, there is […]

Feminists Are Raping Journalism

Rolling Stone‘s UVA rape hoax continues to echo in discussions of the legal and cultural consequences of bad journalism: Tamara Tabo is a summa cum laude graduate of the Thurgood Marshall School of Law at Texas Southern University, where she served as Editor-in-Chief of the school’s law review. After graduation, she clerked on the U.S. […]

Sorry, @AsheSchow: ‘Due Process’ IS a Left-Right Issue — and Here’s Why

Ashe Schow is a brilliant young journalist, and one of the few reporters who have been steadily covering the attempt by feminists to criminalize heterosexuality on college campuses. The feminist agenda is so insane and extreme, that when I try to explain what is being taught in university Women’s Studies programs — the academic Feminist-Industrial […]

Ethics in Doxxing?

@IjeomaOluo is a feminist and a thoughtful writer. This is a rare combination. Feminism has for decades been an intellectual ghetto inhabited by bad writers spewing tedious jargon (the misogynist oppressor mansplained, sitting at his desk surrounded by about five dozen books of feminist theory). Oluo writes about a Tumblr vigilante site called Racists Getting […]

Joyce Trebilcot Award Nominee

Elizabeth Stoker Bruenig (@ebruenig) “grew up in Dallas in a predictably right-wing household, and as a high school kid, had some pretty right-wing ‘opinions’ of my own that I parroted from my folks”: Then, I volunteered to teach Sunday school to kindergarteners at my church. I became very troubled by the notion that I might […]

A Fake Jew in the Identity-Politics Age

  Julia Salazar is not Jewish. Nor is she a working-class immigrant. Her mother is an Italian Catholic from New Jersey and her father, a native of Colombia, was a commercial pilot who became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 1982. Julia grew up in a middle-class home in Florida and graduated from Columbia University, an […]

Good Riddance to Teresa Sullivan

  She was the first female president of the University of Virginia, an institution whose reputation she did everything possible to disgrace: It’s been nearly four years since Rolling Stone magazine published its disastrous article about an alleged gang-rape at the University of Virginia. The story was so unbelievably fake (the main accused rapist didn’t […]

#TheMemo: Worse Than Watergate?

Chris Buskirk writes at American Greatness: The FISA Abuse Memo is out and now we know why the Democrats were desperate to keep its contents hidden from the public: it confirms the worst fears not just of President Trump’s supporters but of everyone concerned about the abuse of police power, government corruption, and the sanctity of our […]

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