The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

#FreeStacy Won’t Shut Up

  The difference between Anita Sarkeesian (@femfreq on Twitter) and myself can be summarized, as Da Tech Guy points out, in a single paragraph from Debra Saunders’ column: I reached out to Sarkeesian: no response. I reached out to a woman who tweeted that McCain harassed her friend: no reply. McCain would talk. He noted […]

Pro Tip: Don’t Be a ‘Feminist Man’

  Nora Samaran (@NoraSamaran on Twitter) runs a blog called “Dating Tips for the Feminist Man,” the idea of which is absurd, an oxymoron. Feminists are women who do not like men, and the “Feminist Man” is either (a) a man who is too stupid to understand that feminists hate him, (b) a man who […]

Queer Vegan Witch Accuses Radical Feminists of ‘Anti-Trans Violence’

David Salisbury (@davidsalisbury) describes himself as “a queer, vegan, Witch . . . chief of the DC Bureau of the Pagan Newswire Collective . . . High Priest of Coven of the Spiral Moon . . . involved with street activism with People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and . . . a full […]

FMJRA 2.0: Ride Across the River

— compiled by Wombat-socho Rule 5 Sunday: Pre-Halloween Pinups Animal Magnetism Politically Incorrect Conservative Ninety Miles from Tyranny A View from the Beach Proof Positive Batshit Crazy News West Hollywood House of Horrors: Radical Lesbian Feminists From Hell The Pirate’s Cove Regular Right Guy A View from the Beach Batshit Crazy News FMJRA 2.0: The […]

More Proof the Devil Is a Democrat: Satanic Group Supports Abortion

Planned Parenthood’s gruesome trade in dead baby parts is not the only evidence of the abortion industry’s ghastly evil: The New York-based “Satanic Temple” is filing a federal lawsuit against Missouri, claiming that state laws restricting abortion violate their “free exercise” of Satanism. The suit identifies abortion as an essential religious duty for Satanists. Missouri’s […]

The Feminist-Industrial Complex: Academia and the Means of Production

@SarahNAhmed a/k/a “feminist killjoys.” Sara Ahmed is a lesbian and a feminist, not necessarily in that order. There is always a chicken-and-the-egg question about such matters. Correlation is not causation, but this particular correlation is sufficiently common as to be a phenomenon deserving its own categorical label, as Professor Ahmed acknowledges. “Last week,” Professor Ahmed […]

They’re Here! They’re Queer!

They’re the #NYFLC2015! The Feminist Majority Foundation’s National Young Feminist Leadership Conference is meeting this weekend in Washington, D.C., but if you mistook this event for a lesbian festival, the confusion is not your fault. Last year, several attendees at the conference complained that the event was not “queer” enough. No one could make that […]

Feminist Stupidity Daily: Ideological Aggression and the Kafkatrapping Game

“Once a woman is singled out by a men’s rights group such as A Voice for Men, the misogynist Reddit forum The Red Pill or even just a right-wing Twitter account like Twitchy, she is deluged with hatred.” — Michelle Goldberg, Washington Post Because I’ve been busy offline the past few days, the stupidity has […]

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