The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

States’ Rights: OK for Dopeheads; Hateful Hillbilly Bible-Thumpers, Not So Much

A headline that included the word “butt-f*ckers” — without the asterisk — crossed my mind here. However, because Ace of Spades is on a tear against the deliberate troll-baiting at Slate, I passed it up. Anyway, the re-election of President Obama meant that the gay agenda would be imposed top-down by executive authority, and the Internal […]

Squeaky Fromme, Sara Jane Moore, Lee Harvey Oswald and the Radical Impulse

Lynnette “Squeaky” Fromme, 1975 President Gerald Ford’s video testimony about Lynnette “Squeaky” Fromme’s 1975 assassination attempt has been released, and if you read through the story, you encounter this: At times during the trial, [Fromme] was ordered removed from court because of her tantrums and bizarre ramblings about the environment, saving the redwoods and other […]

New Concept of ‘Rights’ in America: If You’re Not Gay, You Don’t Have Any

Gosh, it seems like just a few years ago that allegedly serious people were warning about how the “christofascist godbags” of the Religious Right were an existential threat to freedom in America, and if you disagreed with these allegedly serious people, you were just a hateful bigot. Now? Well, you’re still a hateful bigot, but […]

Liberals Now Arguing for a Lesbian’s Right to Have Sex With a 14-Year-Old Girl

But it’s consensual! And . . . equality! Also, Kaitlyn Hunt — the lesbian charged with two counts of felony lewd and lascivious battery on a child — is a blonde who’s kinda cute, and who could object to cute blonde teenage lesbians? Here’s a local news video: While some readers may be struggling to resist […]

A Constitutional Right to Donkey Sex?

Lisa Graas remembers how Rick Santorum was ridiculed for saying that the same logic that justifies gay marriage as a “right” could also justify legalized bestiality. Many at the time mocked Santorum as a bigoted yahoo. Yet the Republican presidential hopeful was merely expressing what Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia had warned of when, in dissenting from the court’s […]

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