The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Flakes Mandate Journalist Repair to Alabama

by Smitty Update: the links internal to The Other McCain have quit working.  I blame a recent server upgrade.  I’ll change the PostID values to Permalinks when I get a chance.  Thanks to Political Byline for keeping me straight. This week’s misleading FMJRA title is a fun poke at RSM, who, if I may, serendoofusly* […]

Economics: What If the Experts Are Wrong? And What If They’re Lying?

After the stock market lost 500 points last week, I figured it was well past time to produce another financial news aggregation at NTC News. In a more-or-less random way, I collected these items: Futures trading points to stock rebound; Bernanke confirmation more likely; U.S. dollar declines in overseas trading; CNN poll: Most oppose stimulus; Treasury […]

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