The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Bill Schmalfeldt Hates Zoa Barnes

Attorney Zoa Barnes is representing John Hoge in his peace order case against deranged cyberstalker Bill Schmalfeldt and, predictably, Schmalfeldt’s reaction to this is to demonize Zoa Barnes for merely doing what attorneys do, i.e., represent clients. If you ever visit Bill Schmalfeldt’s site — which I certainly do not recommend — you will find […]

The Monster Bill Schmalfeldt

Bill Schmalfeldt of Elk Ridge, Maryland, a.k.a. “Liberal Grouch” .@TeamSchmalfeldt Your definition of truth is different from most people then. @DeeInHouston @MrsStranahan — Becca Lower (@BeccaJLower) September 20, 2013 Rebecca Lower comments on the hate-filled monster: Over the past 24 hours, notorious Twitter troll . . . Bill Schmalfeldt has resumed his disgusting attacks on […]

Deranged Cyberstalker Bill Schmalfeldt: Often Wrong, But Never in Doubt

New Current Events Podcasts with Ali A Akbar on BlogTalkRadio Last night, Ali and I did a podcast that began with a half-hour on the Washington Navy Yard shootings and then continued on for another hour-and-a-half about the continuing madness of Bill Schmalfeldt. What we didn’t know what that Schmalfeldt stayed up past his bedtime […]

Google ‘Bill Schmalfeldt’

“Arrogant sociopathic punks think they can go around threatening people and if you dare say a word back to them, you’re the bad guy. “Speaking of punks, an obscure talentless assclown named Bill Schmalfeldt is threatening to sue Aaron Walker.” — Robert Stacy McCain, Sept. 4, 2012 It’s important to remember where this all began, eh? That post from last […]

Could Bill Schmalfeldt Get Any Crazier?

One hesitates to ask such a question, considering what endless insanity we’ve already seen from the deranged cyberstalker. Today, however, Bill Schmalfeldt had a meltdown (yes, another one) that led to him ranting on and on about Ali Akbar and . . . well, this: He made Ali’s face the background for his Twitter profile. […]

Deranged Cyberstalker Bill Schmalfeldt: Why Can’t He Explain His Cyberstalking?

Bill Schmalfeldt ranting, 2011. (Image via Thomas Anderson at Vimeo) Monday, the state’s attorney’s office in Maryland announced that it would not prosecute Bill Schmalfeldt for violating the peace order that prohibits Schmalfeldt from directly contacting John Hoge. And so this afternoon, Schmalfeldt sent this message on Twitter: Isn’t that rather a specific list of […]

Deranged Cyberstalker Bill Schmalfeldt and His Massive Mountain of Failure

Bill Schmalfeldt ranting, 2011. (Image via Thomas Anderson at Vimeo) When last we took notice of deranged cyberstalker Bill Schmalfeldt, Ken White at Popehat was examining the foul, offensive and, some might say, dangerously violent content of Schmalfeldt’s demented gibberish. Gosh, it’s been nearly a month, hasn’t it? Bill got so crazy at one point, […]

Deranged Cyberstalker Bill Schmalfeldt: Bats, Belfry, Some Assembly Required

Bill Schmalfeldt ranting on YouTube When last we left the strange saga of Bill Schmalfeldt, the self-described “brain-damaged troll,” his incessant barrage of Twitter gibberish had become so demonstrably crazy that there were fears for his safety. Apparently, however, the nice young men in white coats didn’t take Bill to the Funny Farm, or else […]

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