The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Feminist Tumblr: Still Crazy

Because I’ve been busy the past week reading Women’s Studies textbooks (including Women’s Voices, Feminist Visions), I haven’t updated you on Lilly the Human Train Wreck. She is the mentally ill feminist Tumblr blogger who filed a federal complaint against her university, which forced her into an alcohol counseling program after she accused a fellow […]

James Boulware Was Crazy

James Boulware attacked Dallas Police Headquarters and then was shot to death by SWAT officers after a standoff in the parking lot of a fast-food restaurant. He was crazy: Boulware’s family said in a statement that it was “in shock.” “We tried to get him mental help numerous times, but the system failed him, because […]

The Crazy Feminism of Joyce Trebilcot

  America lost a valuable source of feminist craziness when Professor Joyce Trebilcot died in 2009 at age 74. For more than three decades, Trebilcot supplied the feminist movement with its necessary raw material — insanity — and in its obituary of this distinguished academic, Washington University St. Louis described her contributions: Trebilcot, who joined […]

Everybody Hates Cathy Brennan: Troll Under the Bridge on the Crazyville Road

The unstable isotope of insanity that is feminism reached critical mass a few months ago when radical feminist Cathy Brennan threatened legal action against the socialist magazine Jacobin, which published an article by Samantha Allen that included this: A small but vocal band of activists known as “Radfems” see transgender women like myself as a […]

Bill Schmalfeldt’s Very Bad Idea
UPDATE: Maryland Resident Brandishes AR-15, Recently Banned in Maryland UPDATE: Schmalfeldt’s Gun Is a Toy UPDATE: No, Says Schmalfeldt, He’s Actually Armed; Dangerous? Maybe

Bill Schmalfeldt never gets any good ideas, so it takes a particularly bad idea for me even to bother noticing. Remember, Schmalfeldt is the guy who got banned from Daily Kos for his grossly offensive writings about anal sex. Schmalfeldt is habitually dishonest, and one of his most heinous lies involved a vicious attack on […]

Amanda Marcotte: So Dangerously Crazy, Even Conor Friedersdorf Fears Her Now

Amanda Marcotte: So humorless, it’s hilarious No public controversy involving sex is complete until feminist scold Amanda Marcotte makes a fool of herself, and she’s continually striving for ever-lower nadirs of stupidity. So, a high-school boy in Los Angeles recorded a YouTube video asking famous model/actress Kate Upton to be his prom date. Upton at first […]

Crazed Ex-Cop Kills 3 People After Quoting Mia Farrow in Bizarre Manifesto

ABC News reports: The rage-filled “manifesto” written by former police officer Christopher Dorner before he went on an alleged cop killing spree around the Los Angeles area was dismissed by the head of the Los Angeles Police Department today as “self-serving” and “ramblings on the Internet.” Dorner is believed to have killed one police officer […]

Convicted Felon John Tiessen: Crazy? Certainly, But Is He Also Dangerous?

John Tiessen, ranting on YouTube about Nixon and Jesus and the Rothschilds Where do all these crazy people on the Internet come from, and why do they always seem to end up obsessively stalking me? Maybe I should write a book, Troll Magnet: How to Become an Irresistible Scapegoat for Every Deranged Lunatic With a […]

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