The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

A Tattoo-Covered, Mentally Ill Ex-Stripper Whose Real Name Is Chelsea Van Valkenburg Publishes Dishonest Book

  Today is the official publication date of a dishonest book by the woman who caused #GamerGate, whose story I explained last year: “Zoe Quinn” was Patient Zero of the #GamerGate controversy. A tattoo-covered, mentally ill ex-stripper whose real name is Chelsea Van Valkenburg, Quinn was the creator of a tediously dull game called “Depression […]

Dadsplaining for @cynthiablee: Women, Victimhood and the #Google Memo

  Dear Professor Lee: Your article (“I’m a woman in computer science. Let me ladysplain the Google memo to you”) is very interesting and well-argued, and far be it from me to question your professional qualifications or your experiential authority. For a woman to say, “This is what it’s like for me as a woman […]

The Third Law of SJW: VidCon 2017 and Anita Sarkeesian’s Paranoid Projection

  Anita Sarkeesian (@femfreq on Twitter) is a feminist who made herself notorious by her attempts to destroy the videogame industry with dubious charges of sexism, and who has since made a career of victimhood, claiming to be a target of criminal harassment. Who is “harassing” whom? The reality is that Sarkeesian and her “social […]

The Original Moonbat Professor: Update on the Insanity of Deborah Frisch, Ph.D.

“While I am not qualified to make a professional diagnosis, it has long been my personal opinion that Doctor Frisch is deranged, demented, bonkers, wacky, off her rocker, and cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.” — Robert Stacy McCain, Sept. 24, 2016 Before the era of #GamerGate and Twitter bans, before the onset of Trump-is-Hitler madness, there […]

A Modern Love Story

On Valentine’s Day, Lenore Skenazy at Reason told the story of Zachary, who was 17 years old when he met a girl who was 13, who had a friend, also a 13-year-old girl, who “shared Zachary’s love of dragons and videogames.” An online romance flourished via Skype between Zachary and the dragon-loving girl and — […]

She’s Fat, Blame Patriarchy

Emily Ward is a chubby 23-year-old Democrat feminist who hates men, Republicans and heterosexuality, not necessarily in that order. She is the kind of girl who thinks it is a profound achievement to “come to this understanding” that she’s bisexual her senior year at Michigan State. Except this is “bisexual” as a synonym for fat, […]

3 Theses: PUAs, ‘Sexuality’ and Feminism

My work output has been irregular since Christmas, but I’ve got thousands of words in draft that I mean to finish. However, today I’m babysitting my youngest grandson, and there are a few thoughts that have been accumulating in my mind during my research recently, and so I want to just lay them out while […]

The Intifada at Ohio State Proves the Immigration-Terrorism Connection

  William Jacobson describes Monday’s Islamic terrorist attack in Columbus in which a “Somali legal immigrant rammed his car into pedestrians on the sidewalk, then attacked with what is variously described as a butcher knife or machete.” NBC News reports: An Ohio State University student posted a rant shortly before he plowed a car into […]

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