The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Feminism’s Big Lie

“Radical Feminism is, and has always been a political movement focused on liberating girls and women, those who are born into the sex caste female, from the unnatural, yet universal roles patriarchy has assigned.” —, July 26, 2014 “Women who are sane, normal and happy do not become feminists, because such women do not […]

Feminism and Sex: ‘Bad, Dumb, and Desperately Unfun and Unsexy’

Anna Merlan’s verdict on a destined-for-infamy scene in Girls can best be understood as a verdict on Lena Dunham’s feminist ethos. Dunham’s ethos, in turn, can best be understood as an expression of the decadent cultural values of 21st-century “progressives”: They are the Nowhere People — rootless, without loyalty to family, community or religious tradition, and […]

Feminism: Equality in Misery

Miriam Mogilevsky (@sondosia) is allegedly a human being, although manifestly lacking in empathy and filled with a hateful appetite for sadistic revenge, which is to say she is a feminist. Her numerous efforts to destroy civilization include her advocacy of atheism, because those who hate humanity usually begin by hating God. She developed advanced skills in intellectual […]

Also: ‘Shut Up, Because Rape’

Ace of Spades: You may wonder why feminists never stop writing about rape. The answer is simple: Minus rape, feminism stands exposed as a trivial lists of complaints — women not “empowered” enough in TV shows, Liz Lemon selling out the sisterhood on 30 Rock, Negative Body Image You Guys in the media, etc. Minus […]

What #Feminism Hath Wrought

@LauraKipnis is an expert on why men deserve your contempt. Just in time for the holidays, feminism is the gift that keeps on giving, and another academic sadist tells us what’s wrong with men: Laura Kipnis begins her preface to Men: Notes from an Ongoing Investigation . . . with an interesting idea: Writing about someone marks […]

‘I Suffer From Oppression’

So says @JaclynArcher in a column for Eastern Washington University’s student newspaper, The Easterner: What is oppression? According to the Blackwell Dictionary of Sociology “Social oppression is a concept that describes a relationship between groups or categories . . . of people in which a dominant group benefits from the systematic abuse, exploitation, and injustice […]

A Lesbian Theory of the Penis

“Far from being ‘natural,’ phallic sexuality is a moral and political activity. . . . Men’s sexual behaviour is not caused by hormonal dictates. It is because the penis serves the ideological function of symbolizing ‘human’ status that it is so heavily charged with erotic energy, and not because it is driven by testosterone. Men […]

‘Broken People,’ Cats and Prozac

Rebecca Jane Stokes (@Beeswrite) is a columnist for the feminist site @xojanedotcom and by “feminist site,” I mean digital estrogen. If you want ball-busting radical man-hating, you’ll have to look elsewhere. XOJane is more about pathetic narcissism. Glenn Reynolds’ remark about “broken people” — made in reference to the radical man-hater Kate Millett — came to […]

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