The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Reply to Bill Schmalfeldt

From: Bill Schmalfeldt <> Sent: Wednesday, October 16, 2013 4:31 PM Subject: Interview offer Despite your opinion of me, I want to write a balanced story about Kimberlin’s RICO suit. If you are interested in telling your side of the story, i could submit a list of questions and will print your answers verbatim. This […]

Deranged Cyberstalker Bill Schmalfeldt Humiliates Himself in Maryland Court

Bill Schmalfeldt: ‘Brain-Damaged Troll’ (Image via From today’s Viral Read report on the latest Brett Kimberlin news: Kimberlin personally handed a copy of the 48-page complaint to blogger John Hoge this morning at a Maryland court hearing where Kimberlin’s associate Bill Schmalfeldt failed in his appeal of a court order forbidding Schmalfeldt to continue […]

Dueling Meltdowns: Bill Schmalfeldt and #FreeKate’s Disgusting Supporters

Today, two different Bill Schmalfeldt accounts got banned from Twitter — he still doesn’t understand why being a “Team Kimberlin” member is a losing proposition — and while that was happening, there was news on the Kaitlyn Hunt story. First, Matt Philbin of the Culture and Media Institute examined ABC’s 20/20 segment: [Matt] Gutman’s report […]

Bill Schmalfeldt’s Latest Meltdown Continues, and Other Birthday Gifts

Today was my birthday — I’m 54 years old — and other than reminding you of The Five Most Important Words in the English Language (“Hit the freaking tip jar“), I’d like to apologize for the paucity of posting this weekend. I’ve been engaged in deep research for my defense in the Kimberlin v. Walker […]

‘Very, Very Bad, Doug!’ More Journalism Ethics Lessons From Bill Schmalfeldt

A few weeks ago, Bill Schmalfeldt and his digital associates (“Xenophon,” and other sock puppets)  were doing their Happy Dance, claiming that Brett Kimberlin had served me with notice of a lawsuit in Maryland. Except that I don’t live in Maryland and haven’t since mid-2012, and I have not been served. Schmalfeldt went silent about that […]

The Bill Schmalfeldt School of ‘Ethics’

After his Monday meltdown, we might have hoped Bill Schmalfeldt would spend a day or two recuperating, but such hopes were inevitably disappointed. Instead, the deranged cyberstalker spent Tuesday and Wednesday ranting about how John Hoge’s “STALKING AND HARASSMENT” and “FALSE CHARGES” were driving him to an early grave. Because, you see, Bill Schmalfeldt is […]

Bill Schmalfeldt: Sadism, Sodomy and Other Bizarre Mental Aberrations

“It’s the ‘Butt Stuff.’ . . . “Male conservatives are convinced that gay men want to put their ying yangs in THEIR BUTTS! This is a horrifying prospect to your average, stupid male. This is why a blanket recognition that being gay is a normal variant of human sexuality, to these small, frightened, uneducated men, […]

The Latest Bill Schmalfeldt Meltdown

Bill Schmalfeldt ranting, 2011. (Image via Thomas Anderson at Vimeo) An entire week has passed since Bill Schmalfeldt’s previous meltdown. He tried to sneak back into the Examiner (where he had been fired twice before) under the alias “Lester Klemper” and, when this ended badly, vowed vengeance on the enemies he blamed for his misfortune. […]

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