The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Essential Feminist Quotes: ‘Rapists Serve All Men by Enforcing Male Supremacy’

Left to right: Kate Millett, Ann Jones, Jenny Kitzinger “Patriarchy’s chief institution is the family. . . . [T]he family effects control and conformity where political and other authorities are insufficient. As the fundamental instrument and the foundation unit of patriarchal society the family and its roles are prototypical. . . . “The concept of […]

Progressive Feminist Amanda Marcotte Is OK With Female Genital Mutilation

You can’t make this stuff up: Wow, I rarely find myself disagreeing with PZ, Melissa, and Samhita, but I have to say that I don’t really see the problem with the American Academy of Pediatrics advising doctors to offer a “ritual nick” in lieu of the more serious forms of female circumcision that are often […]

BREAKING: Anti-Male Georgetown University Professor Now on Leave

  The fight over the Kavanaugh nomination produces more good news: An anti-Trump professor, Dr. Carol Christine Fair, is no longer teaching classes at Georgetown University following calls for the outspoken liberal educator to be fired. Fair stirred up controversy on Twitter when she wished miserable deaths upon Republican senators supporting Supreme Court nominee Brett […]

More News About ‘Rape Culture’ That Feminists Won’t Notice, for Some Reason

  Huddersfield is a town in northern England, about halfway between Leeds and Manchester. Authorities say at least five girls ages 12-18 in this Yorkshire community were systematically raped and prostituted over a span of several years by a gang of Pakistani immigrants: Thirty men have been charged with raping and trafficking five girls in […]

Feminist Professor Denounces Belief That ‘Fathers Are Valuable Parents’

Males are worthless, according to feminist ideology, and thus government programs encouraging fathers to be involved with their children are bad: A feminist professor at California State University-Fresno recently published an article lamenting that federal programs to promote “responsible fatherhood” among vulnerable men in fact perpetuate “patriarchy,” “gender norms,” and “hegemonic masculinity.” The article, “‘Manning […]

The Lesbian NYU Professor Who Sexually Harassed Her Gay Male Student

She’s in her 60s. She could plead senility, I guess: The case seems like a familiar story turned on its head: Avital Ronell, a world-renowned female professor of German and Comparative Literature at New York University, was found responsible for sexually harassing a male former graduate student, Nimrod Reitman. An 11-month Title IX investigation found […]

Radical Feminist Exposes #TransCult

It is difficult to exaggerate how radical Natasha Chart’s feminism is. She is chairwoman of the board of Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF), an organization that originated in Deep Green Resistance, which is just about as far left as you can go (without moving to Pyongyang). It is therefore highly significant that Chart has joined the […]

Queer Feminist Update

  Some readers may remember Ellie (a/k/a “Gabi,” whose real name is Gabrielle), the Tampa art student whose anti-heterosexual Tumblr rant was featured here in February (“Your Homophobia Is a ‘Direct Threat’ of ‘Potential Violence,’ Says Queer Feminist”). At the time, Ellie identified as “queer” and “nonbinary” and used “they/them” pronouns. When posting selfies on […]

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