The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Confirmed: Crazy People Are Dangerous

He was once described as “happy-go-lucky,” but then his father lost an election and his parents divorced and Gus Deeds went nuts: “Eventually it got to the point where everyone… you couldn’t ignore it. It was obvious he was going through a difficult time,” Tony Walters, who has been friends with Gus since they were […]

News Flash: Crazy People Are Dangerous

This isn’t really surprising, is it? The man who killed 12 people at the Washington Navy Yard 10 days ago left behind electronic documents saying that the government had been attacking his brain for the past three months using “extremely low frequency” electromagnetic waves created by the Navy . . . The documents provide the […]

News Flash: Crazy People Are Dangerous

Bill Schmalfeldt of Elk Ridge, Maryland, a.k.a. “Liberal Grouch” Aaron Walker discussed the most recent evidence that Bill Schmalfeldt is a deranged sadistic sociopath, as if more evidence were necessary. But I think people are taking too lightly the menace to public safety posed by this swarm of obsessive Internet cyberstalkers whose persistent harassment has […]

These People Are Crazy

  It is not necessary to wonder if transgender people are mentally ill. We have scientific research as proof they’re mentally ill: Background: Co-morbid psychiatric disorders affect prognosis, psychosocial adjustment and post-surgery satisfaction in patients with gender identity disorder. In this paper, we assessed the frequency of personality disorders in Iranian GID patients. Methods: Seventy- […]

Palm Beach Jihad: Teen Converts to Islam, Stabs Three People — Media Ignore It!

Corey Johnson is a teenage terrorist, according to police reports. Obviously, Florida needs common-sense knife-control laws: A Jupiter teenager said his Muslim faith led him to fatally stab a boy on his 13th birthday and injure two others at a sleepover Sunday night in BallenIsles Country Club, Palm Beach Gardens police said during a 2 […]

GAVIN LONG: ‘Cosmo Ausar Setepenra’ and the Dangerous Kind of Crazy

  My conclusion that Baton Rouge gunman Gavin Long was “both racist and insane” drew some criticism from commenters who said that such a judgment “plays into the Left’s hands and provides it with deniability.” So what? What we hate about the Left is how they politicize everything. We should not imitate them by politicizing […]

GAVIN EUGENE LONG: Cop-Killer in Baton Rouge Was Racist and Also, Crazy

  The maniac who killed three police in Baton Rouge and wounded three others was both racist and insane. Ranting against “crackers” on YouTube, talking about “revolution” and “my people” with the delusional grandiosity typical of a paranoid schizophrenic: Long also said that bloodshed was the only way to win against oppression. “One hundred percent […]

A Dangerous Precedent

The rush to ban display and sale of the Confederate flag in the wake of last week’s shooting in Charleston should cause concern for any person intelligent enough to understand how such precedents, once established, are often used to justify further aggression by Cultural Marxists. They often argue by analogy, saying This Offensive Thing is […]

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