The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Tucson, Zeitgeist and Madness: The Obsolete Politics of Jared Loughner UPDATE: Another E-Mail From a Zeitgeist Follower; Movement Leader Issues ‘Message to Members’

In the comments of a previous post, the blogger at elbowed me as a “Tea Party enabler” — an epithet that he would also apparently apply to Glenn Reynolds — and I think it’s time to clarify a few points about why I’ve spent the past four days digging into the Zeitgeist angle on the […]

Ann Marie Buerkle Sworn In
UPDATE: Alas, Poor Marco Rubio!
UPDATE: Catching Up With Griffith
UPDATE: Interview With Renee Ellmers

Wednesday’s trip to Capitol Hill was amazing. I spent most of the afternoon with Rep. Ann Marie Buerkle, her staff, supporters and family, including a trip to the basement of the Capitol for her ceremonial swearing-in photo with Speaker John Boehner. The lady in the middle holding the Bible is Congresswoman Buerkle’s 89-year-old mother. I’ll […]

On the Seavey-Rittelmeyer Affair

“[H]er often brutal-sounding philosophy really is, when you dig through the layers, a brutal philosophy, genuinely aimed at hurting people, which has spillover effects in practice in everyday life, as one perhaps should have anticipated, but who thinks people are being serious when they praise cruelty, especially if people are about 5’4″ and look like […]

He Was a Fratboy . . .

. . . and I still remember his name, but that’s not the point. See, it was first day of class in summer semester during my sophomore year in college, and I’d noticed this cute new blonde freshman out in the smoking area before our political science class.

iOwnTheWorld Even Steven Contest Results

by Smitty This blog was honored to review The Even Steven Contest for iOwnTheWorld Contest rules a quick review: Headlines For Major World Events–If It Was Strictly A Liberal World Example: Construction Halted on Hadrian’s Wall Pending Environmental Impact Study or Titanic Sinks. Told Ya So. or Oppressed Mexicans Defeat Imperialists at Alamo Interpretation: Entries […]

The Holy Church of St. Pancake
The International Solidarity Movement and the Rachel Corrie Death Cult

Back in 2003, when Charles Johnson was still able to maintain some semblance of sanity, a commenter at Little Green Footballs — no doubt long since banished — responded to the death of Rachel Corrie by dubbing her “St. Pancake.” A jest both crude and arguably cruel, yet in two words, that LGF commenter captured a reality that has endured, […]

OMG: Did You See What Haley Accuser Will Folks Wrote About Ashley Herzog?

Jesse Hathaway is a friend of a friend. I encouraged Jesse with his blog, Athens Runaway. Jesse went to college with blogger Ashley Herzog, whom I met at CPAC 2008. We’ll let Jesse take the story from there: Folks has… a bad attitude towards women. And that’s understating it. To give an example, he stalked a […]

Flaming Massa Japes Redefine Absurdity

by Smitty This week’s FMJRA salutes Rep. ‘Burnout Over Fade Away’ Massa, who went from obscurity to celebrity to ignobility with stunning brevity.

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